Close Statement

Closes a file that has been opened with AOpen, BOpen, ROpen, UOpen, or WOpen.

Close #fileNumber


Specify an integer value from 30 to 63 or an expression.

Closes the file referenced by file handle fileNumber and releases it.

See Also
AOpen, BOpen, Flush, FreeFile, Input #, Print #, ROpen, UOpen, WOpen

Close Statement Example
This example opens a file, writes some data to it, then later opens the same file and reads the data into an array variable.

Integer fileNumber, i, j

fileNumber = FreeFile
WOpen "TEST.DAT" As #fileNum
For i = 0 To 100
    Print #fileNum, i
Next i
Close #fileNum

FileNum = FreeFile
ROpen "TEST.DAT" As #fileNum
For i = 0 to 100
    Input #fileNum, j
    Print j
Next i
Close #fileNum