Cnv_Flag Function

Returns the tracking state for the tracking abort line.

Cnv_Flag (conveyorNumber)


Specify the conveyor number as an integer (1-16).

Return Values

  • 0: Tracking is executed properly. (Tracking is not canceled or aborted.)
  • 1: Tracking has been canceled because workpiece is expected to cross the tracking abort line.
  • 2: Tracking has been aborted because workpiece is crossed the tracking abort line. Z position is not dropped to the specified height.
  • 3: Tracking has been aborted because workpiece is crossed the tracking abort line. Z position is dropped to the specified height.
  • 4: Tracking has been canceled because workpieces are out of tracking area.

The return values other than “0” are returned only when the tracking abort line is defined.

For more information, refer to the following manual:
"Epson RC+ User’s Guide"


This command will only work if the Conveyor Tracking option is active.

Cnv_Flag Function Example

Print Cnv_Flag (1)