Calib Statement

Replaces the current arm posture pulse values with the current CalPls values.

Calib joint1[, joint2 ][, joint3][, joint4][, joint5][, joint6][, joint7][, joint8][, joint9]


Joint number
Specify the joint number (an integer from 1 to 9) to be calibrated directly as a numeric value. While normally only one joint may need calibration at a time, up to all nine joints may be calibrated with the Calib command at the same time. Additional S axis is 8 and T axis is 9.

Automatically calculates and specifies the offset (Hofs) value. This offset is necessary for matching the origin for each robot joint motor to the corresponding robot mechanical origin.

The Calib command should be used when the motor pulse value has changed. The most common occurrence for use is after changing a motor. Normally, the calibration position pulse values would match the CalPls pulse values. However, after maintenance operations such as changing the motors, these two sets of values will no longer match, and therefore calibration becomes necessary.

Calibration may be accomplished by moving the arm to a desired calibration position, and then executing the Calib command. By executing Calib, the calibration position pulse value is changed to the CalPls value, (the correct pulse value for the calibration position)

In order to perform a proper calibration, Hofs values must be determined. To have Hofs values automatically calculated, move the arm to the desired calibration position, and execute Calib. The controller automatically calculates Hofs values based on the calibration pulse values and on the CalPls pulse values.


  • Use caution when using the Calib command

    Calib is intended to be used for maintenance purposes only. Execute Calib only when necessary.

    Executing Calib causes the Hofs value to be replaced. Because unintended Hofs value changes can cause unpredictable robot motion, use caution in executing Calib only when necessary.

    For supported robots of joint accuracy offset, when Calib is executed, offset value set in JointAccuracy for the specified axis becomes “0”.

  • After executing this command, start the Safety Function Manager (only for the Controller with Safety Board)

    For the Controllers with Safety Board, the Hofs value of the Controller and the Hofs value of the Safety Board that implements the safety function must match.

    If this command executed with these Controllers, a warning occurs because only the Hofs value of the Controller is changed and there is a difference with the Safety Board setting.

    Therefore, after executing this command, start the Safety Function Manager to refresh the Safety board settings.

    For more details, refer to the following manual.
    "Robot Controller Safety Function Manual"

Potential Error
No Joint Number Specified Error

If the joint number is not specified with the Calib command, an error will occur.

See Also
CalPls, JointAccuracy, HofsJointAccuracy, Hofs

Calib Statement Example
Example from the command window.

> CalPls    'Display current CalPls values
  65523, 43320, -1550, 21351
> Pulse    'Display current Pulse values
PULSE: 1: 65526 pls 2: 49358 pls 3: 1542 pls 4: 21299 pls
> Calib 2    'Execute calibration for joint 2 only
> Pulse    'Display (changed) Pulse values
PULSE: 1: 65526 pls 2: 43320 pls 3: 1542 pls 4: 21299 pls