Hofs Statement

Displays or sets the offset pulses between the encoder origin and the home sensor.

(1) Hofs j1Pulses, j2Pulses, j3Pulses, j4Pulses [, j5pulses, j6pulses] [, j7pulses] [, j8pulses, j9pulses]

(2) Hofs


Integer expression representing joint 1 offset pulses.
Integer expression representing joint 2 offset pulses.
Integer expression representing joint 3 offset pulses.
Integer expression representing joint 4 offset pulses.
Parameter for 6 axis robots (including N series). Integer expression representing joint 5 offset pulses.
Parameter for 6 axis robots (including N series). Integer expression representing joint 6 offset pulses.
Parameter for Joint type 7-axis robots. Integer expression representing joint 7 offset pulses.
Parameter for additional axis S joint. Integer expression representing joint 8 (additional S axis) offset pulses.
Parameter for additional axis T joint. Integer expression representing joint 9 (additional T axis) offset pulses.

Return Values
Displays current Hofs values when used without parameters.

Hofs displays or sets the home position offset pulses. Hofs specifies the offset from the encoder 0 point (Z phase) to the mechanical 0 point.)

Although the robot motion control is based on the zero point of the encoder mounted on each joint motor, the encoder zero point may not necessarily match the robot mechanical zero point. The Hofs offset pulse correction pulse is used to carry out a software correction to the mechanical 0 point based on the encoder 0 point.


  • Hofs Values SHOULD NOT be Changed unless Absolutely Necessary

    The Hofs values are correctly specified prior to delivery. There is a danger that unnecessarily changing the Hofs value may result in position errors and unpredictable motion. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that Hofs values not be changed unless absolutely necessary.

  • Reset JointAccuracy (only the supported products of joint accuracy offset)

    For the supported products of joint accuracy offset, when sets the home position offset pulses by Hofs, offset value of joint accuracy offset set in JointAccuracy is reset to “0” for the changed axis. When not want to reset the accuracy value that set in the JointAccuracy, use HofsJointAccuracy.

  • To Automatically Calculate Hofs Values

    To have Hofs values automatically calculated, move the arm to the desired calibration position, and execute Calib. The controller then automatically calculates Hofs values based on the CalPls pulse values and calibration position pulse values.

  • Saving and Restoring Hofs

    Hofs can be saved and restored using the Save and Load commands in the [System Configuration] dialog-[Robot]-[Calibration] from the System Configuration menu.

  • After executing this command, start the Safety Function Manager (only for the Controllers with Safety Board)

    For the Controllers with Safety Board, the Hofs value of the Controller and the Hofs value of the Safety Board that implements the safety function must match.

    If this command executed with these Controllers, a warning occurs because only the Hofs value of the Controller is changed and there is a difference with the Safety Board setting.

    Therefore, after executing this command, start the Safety Function Manager to refresh the Safety board settings.

    For more details, refer to the following manual.
    "Robot Controller Safety Function Manual"

See Also
Calib, CalPls, JointAccuracy, HofsJointAccuracy, Home, Hordr, MCal, SysConfig

Hofs Statement Example
These are simple examples on the monitor window that first sets the joint 1 home offset value to be -545, the joint 2 home offset value to be 514, and the joint 3 and the joint 4 Home offset values to be both 0. It then displays the current home offset values.

> hofs  -545, 514, 0, 0

> hofs
-545, 514, 0, 0