Here Statement

Teach a robot point at the current position.

Here point


Specify Pnumber, P(expr), or point label.


  • The Here statement and Parallel Processing

    You cannot use both of the Here statement and parallel processing in one motion command like this:

    Go Here :Z(0) ! D10; MemOn 1 !

    Be sure to change the program like this:

    P999 = Here
    Go P999 :Z(0) ! D10; MemOn 1 !

    Be sure to change the program like this:

  • The Here statement and Multitask

    If the Here statement is executed in a multitask function executed by Xqt while the robot is moved by Move, Go, etc., in the main task, the task will be stopped due to an error.

    Current robot position can be retrieved by CurPos.


    Function Xqt_PrintHere
    Print CurPOS
    Wait 0.1
    Function main
    Xqt 10, Xqt_PrintHere
    Go P0
  • Use with CP

    If Here is used when pass motion is enabled, the motion trajectory is not synthesized before the motion for which Here is specified, and the motion is decelerated. In the following usage, P1 decelerates to a stop and then starts the next operation.

    Go P1 CP 
    Go Here+X(100)  

    If you want it to work without stopping, modify the program to pre-calculate the position of Here.

    Go P1 CP    
    Go P1+X(100)    

See Also
Here Function, CurPos

Here Statement Example

Here P1
Here pick