Hordr Statement
Specifies or displays the order of the axes returning to their Home positions.
(1) Hordr step1, step2, step3, step4 [, step5] [, step6] [, step7] [, step8] [, step9]
(2) Hordr
- step1
- Specify the joint to be returned in the step 1 with a bit pattern.
- step2
- Specify the joint to be returned in the step 2 with a bit pattern.
- step3
- Specify the joint to be returned in the step 3 with a bit pattern.
- step4
- Specify the joint to be returned in the step 4 with a bit pattern.
- step5
- Specify the joint to be returned in the step 5 with a bit pattern.
- step6
- Specify the joint to be returned in the step 6 with a bit pattern.
- step7
- Specify the joint to be returned in the step 7 with a bit pattern.
- step8
- Specify the joint to be returned in the step 8 with a bit pattern.
- step9
- Specify the joint to be returned in the step 9 with a bit pattern.
Return Values
Displays current Home Order settings when parameters are omitted.
Hordr specifies joint motion order for the Home command. (i.e. Defines which joint will home 1st, which joint will home 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
The purpose of the Hordr instruction is to allow the user to change the homing order. The homing order is broken into 4, 6, or 9 separate steps, depending on robot type. The user then uses Hordr to define the specific joints which will move to the Home position during each step. It is important to realize that more than one joint can be defined to move to the Home position during a single step. This means that all joints can potentially be homed at the same time. For SCARA robots (including RS series, 4 axis robots), it is recommended that the Z joint normally be defined to move to the Home position first (in Step 1) and then allow the other joints to follow in subsequent steps.
The Hordr instruction expects that a bit pattern be defined for each of the steps. Each joint is assigned a specific bit. When the bit is set to “1” for a specific step, then the corresponding joint will home. When the bit is cleared to “0”, then the corresponding axis will not home during that step. The joint bit patterns are assigned as follows:
Bit pattern chart
Joint | Bit number | Binary Code |
1 | bit 0 | &B0001 |
2 | bit 1 | &B0010 |
3 | bit 2 | &B0100 |
4 | bit 3 | &B1000 |
5 | bit 4 | &B10000 |
6 | bit 5 | &B100000 |
7 | bit 6 | &B1000000 |
8 | bit 7 | &B10000000 |
9 | bit 8 | &B100000000 |
See Also
Home, HomeSet
Hordr Statement Example
Following are some command window examples for SCARA robots (including RS series, 4 axis robots):
This example defines the home order as J3 in the first step, J1 in second step, J2 in third step, and J4 in the fourth step.
The order is specified with binary values.
>hordr &B0100, &B0001, &B0010, &B1000
This example defines the home order as J3 in the first step, then J1, J2 and J4 joints simultaneously in the second step. The order is specified with decimal values.
>hordr 4, 11, 0, 0
This example displays the current home order in decimal numbers.
4, 11, 0, 0