WorkQue_Reject Statement
Sets and displays the minimum distance for double registration prevention to the specified work queue.
WorkQue_Reject WorkQueNum [, rejectDistance ]
- WorkQueNum
- Specifies the work queue number as an integer (1-16).
- rejectDistance
- Optional when being executed from the command window. Real expression specifying the minimum distance between parts allowed in the queue in millimeters. If omitted, the current rejectDistance is displayed.
Use WorkQue_Reject to specify the minimum distance between parts to prevent double registration of the point data. The work queue cannot be registered when the point data less than the minimum distance is registered by WorkQue_Add. WorkQue_Reject helps the system filter out double registration. The default is 0 mm.
WorkQue_Reject should be executed before adding the work queue data (point data and user data) by WorkQue_Add.
Double registration prevention can be set for each work queue.
See Also
WorkQue_Add, WorkQue_Reject Function
WorkQue_Reject Statement Example
WorkQue_Reject 1, 2.5