Wrist Statement
Sets the wrist orientation of a point.
(1) Wrist point [, Flip | NoFlip ]
(2) Wrist
- point
- Specify Pnumber, P(expr), or point label.
- Flip | NoFlip
- Specifies the wrist orientation.
Return Values
When both parameters are omitted, the wrist orientation is displayed for the current robot position.
If Flip | NoFlip is omitted, the wrist orientation for the specified point is displayed.
See Also
Elbow, Hand, J4Flag, J6Flag, Wrist Function
Wrist Statement Example
Wrist P0, Flip
Wrist P(mypoint), NoFlip
P1 = 320.000, 400.000, 350.000, 140.000, 0.000, 150.000
Wrist P1, NoFlip
Go P1
Wrist P1, Flip
Go P1