Create a Motion Program

Create a motion program for the distance tracking function.

Program example:

Move the robot from P1 to P2 by using the distance tracking function.

Set the needle tip position of the dispenser for Tool coordinate system. However, the dispenser does not move until the parameter adjustment ends. Parameters of AIO_TrackingSet are examples. Be sure to set parameters depending on the working environment.

Function AIOTrackingSample
  ' -------------Robot configuration ---------------
  Motor On
  Power High
  SpeedS 30
  AccelS 300, 300
  Tool 1
  ' -------------Motion part ---------------
  Move P1                                'Move to start point
  AIO_TrackingSet 1, -1, 0, -3, 3, 0, 2  ' Sets the distance tracking function
  Wait 2
  AIO_TrackingStart 1, 10, 0, 0          ' Starts the distance tracking function
  Move P2                                'Starts the distance tracking function
  AIO_TrackingEnd                        ' Ends the distance tracking function
  Wait 2
  Motor Off

Set the default values for parameters of AIO_TrackingStart as follows:

  • ProportionalGain: 10
  • IntegralGain: 0
  • DifferentialGain: 0