MaxFeretDiameter Result
Applies To
Vision Object: Blob, DefectFinder
Returns the maximum feret diameter of the found blob.
VGet Sequence.Object.MaxFeretDiameter[(result)], var
- Sequence
- String variable containing a sequence name.
- Object
- Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the specified sequence.
- var
- Real variable that will contain the value of the result.
- result
- Optional result number. If omitted, the result number is the CurrentResult. Used for objects that return multiple results.
Actual value equals to or larger than 0 [Unit: pixel]
Returns the maximum feret diameter (the maximum value among the feret diameters when dividing the direction into eight)
See Also
Blob Object, DefectFinder Object, Area Result, Angle Result, Extrema Result, MajorDiameter Result, MinorDiameter Result