MinArea Property

Applies To
Vision Objects: ArcInspector, Blob, Contour, DefectFinder, LineInspector

Sets the lower limit for the Blob object detection. Blobs which are smaller than the MinArea property value cannot be found.


VGet  Sequence.Object.MinArea, var
VSet  Sequence.Object.MinArea , value
Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the specified sequence.
Long expression for the new value of the property.
Long expression for the new value of the property.

1 MaxArea in pixels

Default: 25

For Blob and DefectFinder objects, the MinArea and MaxArea Properties set a range for the Blob object detection. Blobs which exceed the MaxArea property value cannot be found. (i.e. the Found result is returned as “False”.)

For ArcInspector and LineInspector objects, the MinArea and MaxArea Properties set a range for the area of a defect. Defects which exceed the MaxArea property value cannot be found. (i.e. the Found result is returned as “False”.)

When a new Blob object is created, the range between the MinArea property and MaxArea property is quite large because the default values are set at 25 and 100,000 respectively. This means that in most situations the Blob object will return a Found result as "True” since the range is large. In most applications it is useful to set a tighter range between the MinArea and MaxArea Properties but of course there values will vary from application to application. Set the MinArea and MaxArea Properties according to each application.

Do not set the range between MinArea and MaxArea too large. If the range is too large, it may result in false detection.

See Also
Area Result, Blob Object, Contour Object, DefectFinder Object, LineInspector Object, ArcInspector Object, MaxArea Property