ScaleTargetPriority Property
Applies To
Vision Objects: Geometric
Sets / returns whether to find objects whose scale is near ScaleTarget preferentially during object search.
VGet Sequence.Object.ScaleTargetPriority, var
VSet Sequence.Object.ScaleTargetPriority, value
- Sequence
- String variable containing a sequence name.
- Object
- Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the specified sequence.
- var
- Boolean variable that will contain the value of the property
- value
- Boolean value or expression for the new value of the property.
- -1 - True : Search while giving a priority to objects whose scale is near ScaleTarget.
- 0 - False : Search the range between ScaleFactorMax and ScaleFactorMin evenly.
By setting this property to "True" when scale variation for the object to be found is small, search speed may increase. When the variation in scale for the object to be found is large, set this property to "False". Objects will be found with either setting, but setting the value according to the variation in scale may increase search speed.
See Also
Geometric Object, ScaleFactorMax Property, ScaleFactorMin Property, ScaleTarget Property