SearchWinType Property
Applies To
Vision Objects: Blob, ColorMatch, Contour, Correlation, DefectFinder, Geometric, ImageOp, OCR
Sets / returns the search window type.
VGet Sequence.Object.SearchWinType, var
VSet Sequence.Object.SearchWinType, value
- Sequence
- String variable containing a sequence name.
- Object
- Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the specified sequence.
- var
- Integer variable that will contain the value of the property.
- value
- Integer value or expression for the new value of the property.
The following integer values are used to specify the search window type:
- 1 - Rectangle
- 2 - RotatedRectangle
- 3 - Circle
- Vision constant: VISION_WINTYPE_CIRCLE
- 4 - Arc
- Vision constant: VISION_WINTYPE_ARC
- 9 - Polygon
Sets and returns the search window type. Available values are as follows:
- 1 - Rectangle: Rectangular search window that cannot be rotated.
- 2 - RotatedRectangle: Rectangular search window that can be rotated.
- 3 - Circle: Circular search window
- 4 - Arc: Arc search window
- 9 - Polygon: A twelve-sided polygon search window.
Only Blob, Correlation, Geometric, and OCR objects can set “4 - Arc”.
Only Blob, Correlation, and Geometric objects can set “9 - Polygon”.
For OCR, only “1 - Rectangle” and “4 - Arc” can be set.
When the search window type is set to “4 - Arc”, SearchWinAngleStart, SearchWinAngleEnd, SearchWinRadiusInner, and SearchWinRadiusOuter properties are available. Instead, SearchWinHeight, SearchWinLeft, SearchWinTop, and SearchWinWidth properties are no longer available.
See Also
SearchWinAngle Property, SearchWinCenterX Property, SearchWinCenterY Property, SearchWinHeight Property, SearchWinWidth Property, SearchWinAngleStart Property, SearchWinAngleEnd Property, SearchWinRadiusInner Property, SearchWinRadiusOuter Property, SearchWinPolygonPointX1 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointY1 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointX2 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointY2 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointX3 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointY3 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointX4 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointY4 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointX5 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointY5 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointX6 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointY6 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointX7 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointY7 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointX8 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointY8 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointX9 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointY9 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointX10 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointY10 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointX11 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointY11 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointX12 Property, SearchWinPolygonPointY12 Property,