ShowAllResults Result
Design time only
Applies To
Vision Objects: ArcFinder, ArcInspector, Blob, BoxFinder, CodeReader, ColorMatch, Contour, CornerFinder, Correlation, DefectFinder, Edge, Geometric, LineFinder, LineInspector, OCR, Coordinates
A button is placed in the ShowAllResults result value field which when clicked opens a dialog which shows all the results for this vision object. Used for Vision objects that return multiple results.
The ShowAllResults result is a special type of results which allows the user to see all the results for a specific vision object. It is the most useful when there are multiple results for a specific vision object because you can see all the results at one time.
The ShowAllResults result was designed to make is easier to see multiple results all together in one place. Therefore, it is only available for those vision objects which support multiple results (ArcFinder, ArcInspector, Blob, BoxFinder, CodeReader, ColorMatch, CornerFinder, Correlation, DefectFinder, Edge, Geometric, LineFinder, LineInspector, OCR, Coordinates.)
Option | Description |
Copy | Copies to the clipboard. |
Export | Exports into a CSV file. |
Close | Closes the [Results] dialog box. |
See Also
ArcFinder Object, ArcInspector Object, Blob Object, Correlation Object, DefectFinder Object, Edge Object, Geometric Object, LineFinder Object, LineInspector Object, CodeReader Object, OCR Object, BoxFinder Object, Contour Object, CornerFinder Object, Coordinates Object