Vision Objects and Statistics Supported

The following list of vision objects are supported for use with statistics:
Blob, Correlation, Geometric, Edge, Line, Point, Polar, CodeReader, ColorMatch, BoxFinder, CornerFinder, LineFinder, LineInspector, ArcFinder, ArcInspector, DefectFinder, Coordinates

The following statistics are available from the [Statistics] dialog box:

Statistic Description
Mean The computed average for all found objects of the specified object.
Standard Deviation

The “Sample Standard Deviation” which is basically the square root of (Σ((xi - mean)2 ) / n - 1 ).

Only found object results are used for this computation.


The range of the results which is (Min - Max).

This is computed for found objects only.

Min The minimum result of all found objects of the specified object.
Max The maximum result of all found objects of the specified object.