
Statistics calculations are a built-in feature of Vision Guide 8.0 and can prove to be quite useful.
Vision Guide 8.0 automatically keeps track of result data for future statistical reference for each result of each vision object every time it is run from the Vision Guide window, Run window, or Operator window.
This means that each time you run a vision object (regardless of the method used to initiate the vision object execution) the result data for that instance of execution is stored for use in calculating statistical information about the results that object.
Since most vision applications can be solved in a variety of ways, many times you may want to try multiple methods and compare the results. This is where the statistics feature is invaluable. It allows you to run reliability tests on vision objects thereby pinpointing which vision solution is best for your application. Best of all, these tests can be initiated from the SPEL+ language or even from the Vision Guide point and click interface where no programming is required.
Clicking on the [Statistics] button on the Vision Guide toolbar opens the [Statistics] dialog box.

Dialog Box Options / Info

Option Description
Object Dropdown list for selecting which object to display in the Statistics dialog.
Results Index Dropdown list for selecting which detection results to display in the Statistics dialog.
Found Displays the number of times the selected result of the object was found vs. the number of times it was run. For example, “5 of 6” means the object was run 6 times and the selected result was found 5 times.
Reset Deletes the statistics of the selected Object. This clears all data.
ResetAll Deletes the statistics for all vision objects in the sequence. This clears all data.

Closes the [Statistics] dialog box.

All data of the results will remain.

Copy Copies the statistics to the clipboard.
Export Exports the statistics into a CSV file.