Running Vision Sequences from SPEL+: VRun
You can run any vision sequence in the current project from a SPEL+ program using the VRun command. For example:
Function VisionTest
VRun seq1
The simple program above will run the sequence called “seq1” and display the graphical results on the Run window or Operator window, depending on where the program is started from.
The actions taken by VRun depend on the RuntimeAcquire sequence property. This property determines if a picture is taken or not before processing the sequence or if a strobe trigger is being used. The table below shows what happens when VRun executes for the different settings of RuntimeAcquire.
RuntimeAcquire | VRun Actions | Usage |
0 - None | Do not take picture. Use previous picture. Run each sequence step. | Allows more than one sequence to run on the same picture. Normally, the first sequence takes the picture with RuntimeAcquire set to Stationary. Then the remaining sequences do not take a picture. |
1 - Stationary | Acquire new picture. Run each sequence step. | Default. This is the most common way to use VRun. Take a picture and run the sequence. |
2 - Strobed | Wait for strobe input. Acquire new picture. Run each sequence step. | Used with strobe input. VRun will return immediately, then the system will wait for strobe trigger before taking a picture and running the sequence. |
When the sequence property AsyncMode is True, VRun returns after the camera exposure, and continues in the background to finish the image grab, and then process the sequence. The next vision command for the same sequence, such as VGet, will automatically wait for processing to finish.
When RuntimeAcquire is set to Strobe, VRun arms the trigger, then returns. The system waits in the background for the trigger to fire and grab the image, then the sequence is processed.
You may want to wait for the grab to be completed before you retrieve results from the sequence. You can do this by checking the AcquireState sequence result.
Function VisionTest
Integer state
Boolean passed
VRun strobedSequence
' Wait for image to be grabbed
VGet strobedSequence.AcquireState, state
Loop Until state = 3
' Now retrieve the results
VGet strobedSequence.AllPassed, passed
If you execute VRun with RuntimeAcquire = Strobe, and then you execute a second vision command, such as VGet, without waiting for AcquireState =3, then the second command will wait until the trigger is received and the sequence runs. If the trigger is never received, the SPEL+ task will have to be aborted.
When you run multiple SPEL+ tasks that run vision sequences, the images are grabbed and the sequences are processed in parallel if the cameras are not the same.
If multiple SPEL+ tasks use the same camera and RuntimeAcquire is set to Strobe, then you must only allow one sequence to process at a time using SyncLock and SyncUnlock. In the example below, sequences seq1 and seq2 both use camera 1.
Function visTask1
Integer state
SyncLock 1 ' lock access to camera 1
VRun seq1
VGet seq1.AcquireState, state
Loop Until state = 3
VGet <some results here>
SyncUnlock 1 ' unlock camera 1 access
Function visTask2
Integer state
SyncLock 1 ' lock access to camera 1
VRun seq2
VGet seq2.AcquireState, state
Loop Until state = 3
VGet <some results here>
SyncUnlock 1 ' unlock camera 1 access
For details on SyncLock and SyncUnlock, refer to the SPEL+ Language Reference Manual.
To use an ac2500-14gm/gc GigE camera in strobe mode (external trigger mode), an external strobe light is necessary.
If the strobe light is not used, the camera works in the rolling shutter mode and cannot recognize moving objects correctly.