Using Variables for Sequence and Object Names

String variables can be used for the calibration, sequence, and object name arguments in the VRun, VGet and VSet commands.
The example below uses the string variables seq$ and obj$ to specify which vision sequence and which vision object to work with.

Function visTest  
  #define PICKZ -100.0  
  String  seq$, obj$  
  Boolean found  
  Real    x, y, u  
  seq$ = "test"  
  obj$ = "Blob01"  
  VSet seq$.Camera, 1  
  VSet seq$.Calibration, "CAMCAL1"  
  VRun seq$  
  VGet seq$.obj$.RobotXYU, found, x, y, u  
  If found Then  
    pick = XY(x, y, PICKZ, u)  
    Jump pick  
    On vacuum  
    Wait .1  
    Jump place  
    Off vacuum  
    Wait .1  
  Jump park  

Arrays can also be used for sequence and object name arguments in the VRun, VGet, and VSet commands. See the example below.

Function test  
  String obj$(10)  
  Integer count  
  obj$(0) = "corr01"  
  obj$(1) = “corr02”  
  obj$(2) = “blob01”  
  obj$(3) = “blob02”  
  For count = 0 to 3  
    VRun seqname  
    VGet seqname.obj$(count).Found, found  
  Next count  