
Vision Guide 8.0 was designed to keep vision programming at a minimum, yet allow the application programmer to manipulate vision sequences, objects, and calibrations from SPEL+ programs.
In most applications, the vision sequences created with the point and click interface do most of the work. It is a simple matter to run the sequences from SPEL+ and use the results to guide the robot, inspect parts, etc.
With this type of design, an applications engineer can create sequences without doing any programming before actually designing the application. This can aid in verifying field of view, accuracy, etc. before quoting a job. Then, at design time, he/she can use the sequences that were created in the actual project.
Vision Guide 8.0 is supported by commands in the SPEL+ language. After creating vision sequences with the point and click interface, you can run these sequences and get the results from them in your SPEL+ programs. You can also read and set properties for vision sequences and objects.
This chapter contains instructions on how to use Vision Guide 8.0 commands in SPEL+ programs.