Setting the Arm #1 Work Envelope

Install variable mechanical stop (J1) in the threaded holes corresponding to the angles to be set.

Normally a mechanical stop is not equipped.

  • Hexagon socket head cap bolt: M8×15
  • Strength: Compliant with ISO 898-1 property class: 10.9 or 12.9
  • Tightening torque: 32.0 N·m (326 kgf·cm)

a b c
Angle (°) -115, +170 ±160 ±170 -170, +115
Pulse C4-B601 ** -3640889, +4951609 ±4660338 ±4951609 -4951609, +3640889
C4-B901 ** -5957819, +8102633 ±76260083 ±8102633 -8102633, +5957819
Variable Mechanical Stop (J1) Applied Applied Not applied (standard) Applied