BMove Statement

This executes in the local selected coordinate system an offset linear interpolation motion with the force control active.

BMove P# [FC#] [ROT] [CP] [CF] [Till | Find] [!parallel processing!] [SYNC]

  • P#
    Specifies the point data to define the amount of movement.
  • FC#
    Specifies the force control object.
  • CF
    Continues the force control function. Can be omitted.

Detailed Explanation
By adding a force control object as a parameter to a normal BMove command, a BMove motion is carried with the force control function active.
For BMove motion details, refer to the following manual.
“Epson RC+ 8.0 SPEL+ Language Reference ”BMove
For details on the force control function, refer to Move Statement.
Move Statement

Usage Example
This is a simple program example for executing a BMove motion with the force control function active.
In this example, the BMove motion is executed with the force control function active in the X axis direction of the tool coordinate system.

Function ForceBMoveTest
  FSet FCS1.Orientation, FG_TOOL   ' Sets the force coordinate data
  FSet FC1.CoordinateSystem, FCS1  ' Specifies the force coordinate data
  FSet FC1.Fx_Spring, 0            ' Sets the virtual Fx coefficient of elasticity
  FSet FC1.Fx_Damper, 1            ' Sets the virtual Fx coefficient of viscosity
  FSet FC1.Fx_Mass, 10             ' Sets the virtual Fx coefficient of inertia
  FSet FC1.Fx_Enabled, True        ' Sets the Fx force control function to active
  BMove XY(100,0,0,0) FC1          ' Executes the BMove motion with the force control function active

See Also
BMove, Move, Force Control Object FC#