HoldTimeThresh Property

Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Motion Restriction Object FMR#

Sets or returns the duration used to determine that trigger conditions have been achieved for a force trigger or a force motion restriction object.

Immediate Execution

FGet Object.HoldTimeThresh, rVar
FSet Object.HoldTimeThresh, rValue

  • Object
    Object name
    The object is specified as FT (numerical value), FT (label), FM (numerical value), or FM (label).

  • rVar
    A real number variable defining the value of the property

  • rValue
    A real number or formula defining the new value of the property.

rValue (Unit: [sec])

Minimum 0
Maximum 10

Default: 0

Detailed Explanation
This property is used when setting or checking the duration used to determine that trigger conditions have been achieved for a force trigger or a force motion restriction.
If the conditions specified for a force trigger or a force motion restriction object continued during the time specified by HoldTimeThresh, it’s judged as accomplished the trigger condition. If “0” is specified for HoldTimeThresh, it’s judged as accomplished the trigger condition when the conditions specified for the force trigger or a force motion restriction object are achieved. Use this property, for instance, when you wish to detect when a force or position/orientation has stabilized or to eliminate the effects of noise and/or vibration.

Usage Example

The following is an example of setting and acquiring HoldTimeThresh.

Function Test_HoldTimeThresh
  Integer rVar
  FSet FT1.HoldTimeThresh, 0.1
  FGet FT1.HoldTimeThresh, rVar
  Print rVar

See Also
Force Trigger Object FT#, Force Motion Restriction Object FMR#