PeakForceClear Property

Force Monitor Object FM#

This activates/inactivates the force and torque peak value calculations at the same time.

Immediate Execution

FSet Object.PeakForceClear, bValueFx, bValueFy, bValueFz, bValueTx, bValueTy, bValueTz [, bValueFmag, bValueTmag]

  • Object
    Object name
    The object is specified as either of FM (numerical value) or FM (label).

  • bValueFx
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueFy
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueFz
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueTx
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueTy
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueTz
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueFmag
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

  • bValueTmag
    A Boolean value or formula defining the new value of the property

bValueFx, bValueFy, bValueFz, bValueTx, bValueTy, bValueTz, bValueFmag, bValueTmag

Name of Constants Values Description
False 0 Inactivates the subject axis. (default)
True -1 Activates the subject axis.

Detailed Explanation
PeakForces activates/inactivates the force and torque peak value calculations at the same time.
Be sure to execute PeakForceClear before executing PeakForces.

Usage Example
This example returns the value of the peak force in the Fx direction.

Function CheckPeakForces
  Double PF(7)
  FSet FC1.Enabled, True, False, False, False, False, False
  FSet FC1.TargetForces, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
  FSet FS1.Reset
  FSet FM1.CoordinateSystem, FCS0
  FSet FM1.PeakForceClear, True, False, False, False, False,
                                  False, False, False
  FCKeep FC1, 10
  FGet FM1.PeakForces, PF()
  Print PF(FG_FX)

See Also
Force Monitor Object FM#