Standard Work Envelope

The following "work envelope" diagrams show the model with standard (maximum) specifications. When each joint motor is under servo control, the center of the Manipulator shaft's lowest point moves in the ranges shown in the figure.

  • Range to mechanical stop
    This is the range where the center of shaft’s lowest point can be moved when each joint motor is not under servo control.

  • Mechanical stop
    This is the stop that sets the absolute work envelope where the Manipulator cannot move beyond mechanically.

  • Maximum zone
    This is the range that contains the farthest reach of the arms where interference can occur. If the maximum radius of the hand exceeds 60 mm, add the "Range to mechanical stop" and the "Radius of the hand." The total value is specified as the maximum zone.

Table top mounting specifications

Symbol Description
A Center of Joint #3
B Work envelope
C Maximum zone
D Base mounting surface
E Range to mechanical stop



S C, P S C, P S C, P
a Length of Arm #1 + Arm #2 (mm) 650 850 1000
b Length of Arm #1 (mm) 250 450 600
c Length of Arm #2 (mm) 400
d Joint #1 motion (°) 152
e Joint #2 motion (°) 152.5 152.5 0 ≥ Z ≥ -360 152.5 152.5
-360 > Z ≥-390 151
f (Work envelope) 212.4 207.8 0 ≥ Z ≥-360 207.8 307
-360 > Z ≥ -390 218.3
g (Work envelope of the back side) 620.7 797.3 929.8
h Angle to the Joint #1 mechanical stop (°) 3
i Angle to the Joint #2 mechanical stop (°) 3.5 3.5 0 ≥ Z ≥ -360 3.5 3.5
-360 > Z ≥ -390 5
j (Mechanical stop area) 199.4 183.3 285.4
k (Mechanical stop area of the back side) 626.6 807.8 943.8
x Dimensions of motion prohibited area (mm) 270 -
y Dimensions of motion prohibited area (mm) 267 292 267 292 -





S C, P S C, P
m Joint #3 work envelope 180 150 420 390
n Distance from base mounting surface 393.5 355.5 393.5 355.5
p Joint #3 mechanical stop area (upper limit) 5 1.8 5 1.8
q Joint #3 mechanical stop area (lower limit) 5 1 5 1

Wall mounting specifications

Symbol Description
A Center of Joint #3
B Work envelope
C Maximum zone
D Base mounting surface
E Range to mechanical stop



S C, P S C, P S C, P
a Length of Arm #1 + Arm #2 (mm) 650 850 1000
b Length of Arm #1 (mm) 250 450 600
c Length of Arm #2 (mm) 400
d Joint #1 motion (°) 107
e Joint #2 motion (°) 130 152.5 151 152.5
f (Work envelope) 306.5 207.8 218.3 307
g (Work envelope of the back side) 473.1 531.6 575.4
h Angle to the Joint #1 mechanical stop (°) 3
i Angle to the Joint #2 mechanical stop (°) 3.5 3.5 5 3.5
j (Mechanical stop area) 291.2 183.3 285.4
k (Mechanical stop area of the back side) 485.5 553.9 605.2
x Dimensions of motion prohibited area (mm) 400
y Dimensions of motion prohibited area (mm) 0 (infinite on back side)





S C, P S C, P
m Joint #3 work envelope 180 150 420 390
n Distance from base mounting surface 202.5 240.5 202.5 240.5
p Joint #3 mechanical stop area (upper limit) 5 1.8 5 1.8
q Joint #3 mechanical stop area (lower limit) 5 1 5 1

Ceiling mounting specifications

Symbol Description
A Center of Joint #3
B Work envelope
C Maximum zone
D Base mounting surface
E Range to mechanical stop



S C, P S C, P S C, P
a Length of Arm #1 + Arm #2 (mm) 650 850 1000
b Length of Arm #1 (mm) 250 450 600
c Length of Arm #2 (mm) 400
d Joint #1 motion (°) 107 152
e Joint #2 motion (°) 130 152.5 151 152.5
f (Work envelope)) 306.5 207.8 218.3 307
g (Work envelope of the back side) 473.1 797.3 929.8
h Angle to the Joint #1 mechanical stop (°) 3
i Angle to the Joint #2 mechanical stop (°) 3.5 3.5 5 3.5
j (Mechanical stop area) 291.2 183.3 285.4
k (Mechanical stop area of the back side) 485.5 807.8 943.8
x Dimensions of motion prohibited area (mm) 400 270 -
y Dimensions of motion prohibited area (mm) 0 (infinite on back side) 300 -





S C, P S C, P
m Joint #3 work envelope 180 150 420 390
n Distance from base mounting surface 447.5 485.5 447.5 485.5
p Joint #3 mechanical stop area (upper limit) 5 1.8 5 1.8
q Joint #3 mechanical stop area (lower limit) 5 1 5 1