Item GX8-A/GX8-B/GX8-C***** GX8-A/GX8-B/GX8-C****R GX8-A/GX8-B/GX8-C****W
Machinery name Industrial robot
Product series GX
Model GX8-A*****, GX8-B*****, GX8-C*****
Installation method Table top mounting specifications Ceiling mounting specifications Wall mounting specifications
Environmental specifications ESD specifications, Cleanroom & ESD specifications*1, Protected-model*2
Arm length Arm #1 + Arm #2 45 450 mm
55 550 mm
65 650 mm
Arm #3 2

200 mm: GX8-***2S*, E*

170 mm: GX8-***2C*, P*


330 mm: GX8-***3S*, E*

300 mm: GX8-***3C*, P*

Weight (not including weight of cables) 45 33 kg (73 lb) 35 kg (77 lb)
55 34 kg (75 lb) 36 kg (79 lb)
65 35 kg (77 lb) 37 kg (82 lb)
Drive system All joints AC servo motor
Maximum operating speed *3 Joint #1 + Joint #2 45 7,450 mm/s
55 8,450 mm/s
65 9,460 mm/s
Joint #3 2 2,350 mm/s
3 2,350 mm/s
Joint #4 2,800 deg/s
Repeatability Joint #1 + Joint #2 ±0.015 mm
Joint #3 ±0.01 mm
Joint #4 ±0.005 deg
Max. motion range Joint #1 45 ±152 deg ±105 deg ±105 deg
55 ±152 deg ±135 deg
65 ±148 deg
Joint #2 45 ±142 to 147.5 deg *a ±125 deg
55 ±145 to 147.5 deg *a ±147.5 deg: S*, E*
±145 deg: C*, P*
65 ±147.5 deg
Joint #3 2

200 mm: GX8-***2S*, E*

170 mm: GX8-***2C*, P*


330 mm: GX8-***3S*, E*

300 mm: GX8-***3C*, P*

Joint #4 ±360 deg
Max. pulse range (pulse) Joint #1 45 -1128676 to +4405476 -273067 to +3549867 -273067 to +3549867
55 -1128676 to +4405476 -819200 to +4096000
65 -1055858 to +4332658
Joint #2 45 ±2503111 to ±2685156 *a ±2275556
55 ±2639644 to ±2685156 *a ±2685156: S*, E*
±2639645: C*, P*
65 ±2685156
Joint #3 2

-1092267: GX8-***2S*, E*

-928427: GX8-***2C*, P*


-1802240: GX8-***3S*, E*

-1638400: GX8-***3C*, P*

Joint #4 ±1668189

*a: GX8-*45***、GX8-*55*** Joint #2

Max. Motion Range Max. Pulse Range
GX8-A/GX8-B/GX8-C45*S*,E* 0 ≥ Z ≥ -270 ±147.5 deg ±2685156 pulse
-270 > Z ≥ -330 ±145 deg ±2639644 pulse
GX8-A/GX8-B/GX8-C45*C*,P* 0 ≥ Z ≥ -240 ±147.5 deg ±2685156 pulse
-240 > Z ≥ -300 ±137.5 deg ±2503111 pulse
GX8-A/GX8-B/GX8-C55*C*,P* 0 ≥ Z ≥ -240 ±147.5 deg ±2685156 pulse
-240 > Z ≥ -300 ±145 deg ±2639644 pulse
Item GX8-A/GX8-B/GX8-C*****
Resolution Joint #1 0.0000549 deg/pulse
Joint #2 0.0000549 deg/pulse
Joint #3 2 0.0001831 mm/pulse
3 0.0001831 mm/pulse
Joint #4 0.0002140 deg/pulse
Motor rated capacity Joint #1 750 W
Joint #2 600 W
Joint #3 200 W
Joint #4 200 W
Payload (load) Rated 4 kg
Max. 8 kg

Joint #4 allowable

moment of inertia *4

Rating 0.01 kg·m2
Max. 0.16 kg·m2
Shaft diameter Outer ø20 mm
Inner ø14 mm
Joint #3 press force 150 N
User wiring 24 (15 pin + 9 pin: D-sub)
Ethernet CAT5e or equivalent
User piping 2 × ø6 mm pneumatic tube, Pressure resistance: 0.59 MPa (6 kgf/cm2: 86 psi)
2 × ø4 mm pneumatic tube, Pressure resistance: 0.59 MPa (6 kgf/cm2: 86 psi)
Environmental requirements Ambient temperature *5 5 to 40°C
Ambient relative humidity 10 to 80% (no condensation)
Transportation and storage Temperature −20 to +60°C
Humidity 10 to 90% (no condensation)
Noise level *6 LAeq = 74 dB(A)
Compatible Controllers
  • GX8-A: RC700-D
  • GX8-B: RC700-E
  • GX8-C: RC800-A
Operation mode *7 Standard mode (default), Boost mode

Setting value range

( )Default value

Speed 1 to (5) to 100
Accel *8 1 to (10) to 100
SpeedS 1 to (50) to 2000
AccelS 1 to (200) to 25000
Fine 0 to (10000) to 65535
Weight 0 to (4) to 8
M/C cable Cable weight (cable only) For fixing and signal (common to all lengths) 0.06 kg/m
For fixing and power (common to all lengths) 0.30 kg/m
For movable and signal (common to all lengths) 0.07 kg/m
For movable and power (common to all lengths) 0.36 kg/m
Cable outer diameter For fixing and signal (common to all lengths) ⌀6.5 mm (typ)
For fixing and power (common to all lengths) ⌀13.7 mm (typ)
For movable and signal (common to all lengths) ⌀6.4 mm (typ)
For movable and power (common to all lengths) ⌀13.7 mm (typ)
Minimum bending radius *9 For fixing and signal (common to all lengths) 40 mm
For fixing and power (common to all lengths) 83 mm
For movable and signal (common to all lengths) 100 mm
For movable and power (common to all lengths) 100 mm

*1: Manipulators with cleanroom & ESD specifications (GX8-A/GX8-B/GX8-C***C*) discharge the exhaust inside of the base and inside of the arm cover together.
Connect the exhaust tube to the exhaust port on the back (or bottom) of the base.
If the exhaust discharge rate is not sufficient, dust generation will exceed the specifications.

  • Cleanliness:
    Class ISO 3 (ISO 14644-1)
  • Exhaust
    • Exhaust port dimensions: Inner diameter ø 12 mm
    • Compatible exhaust tubes
      • Polyurethane tubes
      • Outer diameter ø12 mm (Inner diameter ø8 mm)
      • Recommended exhaust discharge rate: About 1,000 cm3/s (standard state)

ESD specifications (GX8-A/GX8-B/GX8-C***E*) are specifications that use conductive materials for or apply plating to the major resin parts as anti-static measures.
We have confirmed that the Manipulator tip (tool mounting section) is at ±5 V or less, even directly after the measuring operation according to Seiko Epson standards.
If you need any other detailed information, please contact the supplier.
Also, please check the amount of charge on any hand, wiring, or the like that you will attach to the robot on your own before use.

*2: The IP (International Protection) rating for Manipulators with protected-models is an international standard indicating the degree of protection against dust and water.

Model Protection Class
GX8-A/GX8-B/GX8-C***P* IP65 Dust protection level: 6 No ingress of dust
Water protection level: 5 Water which is directed against the enclosure from any direction as a jet shall not have any harmful effects or impair performance.

*3: When PTP statements are used
The maximum operating speed in CP motion is 2,000 mm/s in the horizontal plane.

*4: When the center of gravity of the load matches the Joint #4 center position
When the center of gravity position is separated from the Joint #4 center position, set the parameter using the Inertia statement.

*5: When used in a low-temperature environment near the minimum temperature specified in the product specifications, or when the unit is idle for a long period of time during holidays or at night, a collision detection error or similar error may occur immediately after the start of operation due to high resistance in the drive unit.
In such cases, warm-up operation for about 10 minutes is recommended.

*6: The conditions at measurement are as follows.

  • Manipulator operating conditions:
    Rated load, four-joint simultaneous operation, maximum speed, maximum acceleration/deceleration
  • Measurement locations
    Manipulator rear side, 1,000 mm away from work envelope, and 50 mm above base mounting surface

*7: The PerformMode command can be used to switch operation modes. For details, refer to the following manual.
"Epson RC+ SPEL+ Language Reference"


Boost mode reduces the amount of time for a single operation compared to Standard mode; however, it worsens the operation duty and the vibration when stopping operation. Use it with caution.

*8: The Accel setting of "100" is the optimum setting that balances acceleration/deceleration and vibration during positioning.

*9: Note the following points when wiring the movable M/C cable.

  • Install the cable not to apply a load to the connector.

  • Bend the cable at the minimum bending radius of the movable part or more. The bending radius (a) and dimensions are shown in the figure below.

Item GX8-B**3P-FZ
Food grade grease model Food grade grease model have the grease for Z-axis ball screw splines which is usable for foods. Be sure to use the specified grease(L700) for food specification machine.