Appendix C: Stopping Time and Stopping Distance When Safeguard is Open

The stopping time and stopping distance when the safeguard is opened are shown in the graphs for each model.

The stopping time is the length of time corresponding to the "Stopping time" in the figure below. Be sure to confirm that a safe environment is provided where the robot will be installed and operated.

Symbol Description
a Motor speed
b Safeguard open
c Time
d Stopping time

The stopping time and stopping distance depend on the parameters (setting values) that were set for the robot. These graphs show the times and distances for the following parameters.

  • Accel: 100, 100
  • Other settings: Default

Explanation of legend
The graphs are displayed for each Weight setting value (at 100%, approx. 66%, and approx. 33% of the maximum payload, and at the rated load).

  • Horizontal axis: Arm speed (Speed setting)
  • Vertical axis: Stopping time and stopping distance at each arm speed
  • Time (sec): Stopping time (sec)
  • Distance (deg): J1 and J2 stopping distance (degree)
  • Distance (mm): J3 stopping distance

When single failures are taken into account, the following adjustments are used.

  • Stopping distance and angle: Each axis reaches the mechanical stop
  • Stopping time: Add 500 ms