Replacing the Ball Joints

  1. Remove the platform and completely unscrew the four nuts while holding the hexagonal extension.

    Use size 13 and 17 open-end wrenches.

Symbols Meaning
a Nut
b Hexagonal extension
  1. Remove the upper assembly.

Symbols Meaning
a Upper assembly
  1. Hold the axis with a size 10 open-end wrench while loosening the ball joint.

Symbols Meaning
a Ball joints
b Axis
  1. Apply a drop of adhesive (type: Loctite 243 or similar) to the outer thread of the new ball joint.

    Securely tighten the new ball joint by hand only (mounting bush + extension), while holding the axis with a size 10 open-end wrench.

    (Do not use a tool)

Symbols Meaning
a New ball joint
b Axis
  1. Place the upper assembly on the 4 ball joints and carefully align the holes opposite the threads.

Symbols Meaning
a Upper assembly
  1. Apply a drop of adhesive (type: Loctite 243 or similar) to the nuts.

    Tighten the four nuts while holding the hexagonal extension with a size 17 open-end wrench. (4.4 N·m)

Symbols Meaning
a Hexagonal extension