Purging Frame Platform

  1. Screw the platform into the purging frame.

    8 screws Tx10 - 0.8 N·m.

  2. Screw the purge spout onto the base of the feeder. (Optional)

    4 screws Tx8 - 0.6 N·m.

Symbols Meaning
a 0.6 N·m screws
  1. Position the assembly on the feeder.

    Screw in the four handle screws.

  2. Connect the purging frame to the feeder.

  3. Turn on the feeder and Controller. Open Epson RC+ and connect to the Controller.

    If you have not already done so, configure the settings to connect the feeder to the Controller in the Epson RC+ 8.0-Menu-[Setup]-[System Configuration].

    For more details, refer to following:

    "Epson RC+ 8.0 Option Part Feeding 8.0 Introduction & Software - System Configuration"

    Check the [Purge gate installed] checkbox and click [Apply].

New parts now can be added from Epson RC+ 8.0 - Menu - [Tools] - [Part Feeding].


The [Purge gate installed] setting influences vibration parameters. It is critical that you check the [Purge gate installed] checkbox prior to adding new parts in the Part Feeding dialog. If the checkbox is checked after adding new parts, the default vibration parameters will be incorrect. Also, the feeder will not perform properly.