Recover Function

Executes safeguard position recovery and returns status.

This is for the experienced user and you need to understand the command specification before use.

(1) Recover

(2) Recover ( robotNumber | All )

(3) Recover ( robotNumber | All , WithMove | WithoutMove)


Specify the robot number to execute recovery for. If omitted, all robots are executed recovery.
All robots execute recovery. If omitted, same as All.
A constant whose value is 0.
Returns to excitation and moves to the position at which the safeguard was opened. If omitted, same as WithMove.
A constant whose value is 1.
Only the return of excitation is performed. Not usually used. Realizes the special recovery with AbortMotion.

Return Values
Boolean value. True if recover was completed, False if not.

To execute Recover statement from a program, you need to set the [Enable advanced task commands] checkbox in the [Setup] menu-[System Configuration]-[Controller]-[Preferences] page of the Epson RC+.

Recover can be used after the safeguard is closed to turn on the robot motors and move the robot back to the position it was in when the safeguard was open with low power PTP motion. After Recover has completed successfully, you can execute the Cont method to continue the cycle.

When more than one robot is used in the controller and All is specified, all robots are recovered.


When executing the Recover command from a program, you must understand the command specification and confirm that the system has the proper conditions for this command. Improper use such as continuous execution of a command within a loop may deteriorate the system safety.

See Also
AbortMotion, Cont, Recover Statement, RecoverPos

Recover Function Example

Boolean sts
Integer answer

sts = Recover
If sts = True Then
MsgBox "Ready to continue", MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO, "MyProject", answer
If answer = IDYES Then