RobotInfo Function
Returns status information for the robot.
- Index
- Specify the index of the information to be retrieved as an integer value.
Return Values
The specified information is returned as an integer.
The information for each bit of the returned value is shown in the table below:
Index | Bit | Value | Description |
0 | 0 | &H1 | Undefined |
1 | &H2 | Resettable error has occurred | |
2 | &H4 | Non-resettable error has occurred | |
3 | &H8 | Motor ON | |
4 | &H10 | Current power is high | |
5 | &H20 | Undefined | |
6 | &H40 | Undefined | |
7 | &H80 | Undefined | |
8 | &H100 | Robot is halted | |
9 | &H200 | Robot not halted (executing motion or in quick pause) | |
10 | &H400 | Robot stopped by pause or safeguard | |
11 | Undefined | ||
12 | Undefined | ||
13 | Undefined | ||
14 | &H4000 | TILL condition was satisfied by preceding motion command | |
15 | &H8000 | SENSE condition was satisfied by preceding motion command | |
16-31 | Undefined | ||
1 | 0 | &H1 | Robot is tracking (Conveyor tracking) |
1 | &H2 | Robot is waiting for recovery motion (WaitRecover status) | |
2 | &H4 | Robot is being recovered | |
3-31 | Undefined | ||
2 | 0 | &H1 | Robot is at home position |
1-31 | Undefined | ||
3 | 0 | &H1 | Joint 1 servo is engaged |
1 | &H2 | Joint 2 servo is engaged | |
2 | &H4 | Joint 3 servo is engaged | |
3 | &H8 | Joint 4 servo is engaged | |
4 | &H10 | Joint 5 servo is engaged | |
5 | &H20 | Joint 6 servo is engaged | |
6 | &H40 | Joint 7 servo is engaged | |
7 | &H80 | S axis servo is engaged | |
8 | &H100 | T axis servo is engaged | |
9-31 | Undefined | ||
4 | N/A | 0 - 32 1 | The task number of the task executing the robot command
5 | 0 | &H1 | Joint 1 brake is on |
1 | &H2 | Joint 2 brake is on | |
2 | &H4 | Joint 3 brake is on | |
3 | &H8 | Joint 4 brake is on | |
4 | &H10 | Joint 5 brake is on | |
5 | &H20 | Joint 6 brake is on | |
6 | &H40 | Joint 7 brake is on | |
7 | &H80 | S axis brake is on | |
8 | &H100 | T axis brake is on | |
9-31 | Undefined |
See Also
CtrlInfo, RobotInfo$, TaskInfo
RobotInfo Function Example
If (RobotInfo(3) And &H1) = &H1 Then
Print "Joint 1 is locked"
Print "Joint 1 is free"