I/O Commands
The SPEL+ language has several commands for inputs and outputs listed below. For details on commands, refer to the following manual:
"SPEL+ Language Reference"
Input Commands
- In
- Reads one byte of input bits.
- Reads one byte of input bits in Binary Coded Decimal format.
- InW
- Reads one word of input bits.
- Oport
- Reads one output bit.
- Sw
- Reads one input bit.
Output Commands
- Off
- Turns off one output bit with optional time.
- On
- Turns on one output bit with optional time.
- Sets one byte of output bits in Binary Coded Decimal format.
- Out
- Sets / reads one byte of output bits.
- OutW
- Sets / reads one word of output bits.
Memory I/O Commands
- MemOff
- Turns off one memory bit.
- MemOn
- Turns on one memory bit.
- MemOut
- Sets / reads one byte of memory bits.
- MemSw
- Reads one bit of memory.