PixelToRobot Result

Runtime only

Applies To
Vision Calibration

Returns the RobotX, RobotY and RobotU position coordinates with respect to the robot coordinate system.


VGet  Calibration.PixelToRobot, xValue, yValue, uValue, xVar, yVar, uVar
Name of a calibration or string variable containing a calibration name.
Real variable representing the X pixel coordinate position in the image cooordinate syetem.
Real variable representing the Y pixel coordinate position in the image cooordinate syetem.
Real variable representing the angular.
Real variable that will contain the X coordinate position.
Real variable that will contain the Y coordinate position.
Real variable that will contain the angular position (rotation).


  • xValue: Real number in pixels
  • yValue: Real number in pixels
  • uValue: Real number in degrees
  • xVar: Real number in millimeters
  • yVar: Real number in millimeters
  • uVar: Real number in degrees

The PixelToRobot result returns a position in the robot coordinate system and therefore can be used for robot guidance applications. The PixelToRobot result xVar and yVar values are always returned in millimeters. The uVar value is always returned in degrees.

It should be noted that the PixelToRobot result can only be calculated for vision calibrations which have been calibrated with the robot coordinate system. If not calibrated then the PixelToRobot result cause an error to occur.

See Also
RobotX Result, RobotY Result, RobotU Result, RobotToolXYU Result