PixelY4 Result

Applies To
Vision Object: BoxFinder

Returns the Y (Y4) coordinate position for corner points of rectangles detected in a pixel coordinate system.


VGet  Sequence.Object.PixelY4[(result)], var
Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the specified sequence.
Real variable that will contain the value of the result.
Optional result number. If omitted, the result number is the CurrentResult. Used for objects that return multiple results.

Min: 0

Max Video width  1

The pixel coordinates for the four corners of a rectangle can be retrieved as Pixel X1, 2, 3, 4 results and Pixel Y1, 2, 3, 4 results. PixelY4 is used to retrieve the Y coordinate for the Corner4 point shown in the diagram below.

See Also
PixelX1 Result, PixelX2 Result, PixelY1 Result, PixelY2 Result, PixelX3 Result, PixelY3 Result, PixelX4 Result, BoxFinder Object