PixelX3 Result
Applies To
Vision Object: BoxFinder
Returns the X (X3) coordinate position for corner points of rectangles detected in a pixel coordinate system.
VGet Sequence.Object.PixelX3[(result)], var
- Sequence
- Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
- Object
- Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the specified sequence.
- var
- Real variable that will contain the value of the result.
- result
- Optional result number. If omitted, the result number is the CurrentResult. Used for objects that return multiple results.
Min: 0
Max Video width 1
The pixel coordinates for the four corners of a rectangle can be retrieved as Pixel X1, 2, 3, 4 results and Pixel Y1, 2, 3, 4 results. PixelX3 is used to retrieve the X coordinate for the Corner3 point shown in the diagram below.
See Also
PixelX1 Result, PixelX2 Result, PixelY1 Result, PixelY2 Result, PixelY3 Result, PixelX4 Result, PixelY4 Result, BoxFinder Object