VCal Statement
Applies To
Vision Calibration
VCal enables you to run a vision calibration from a SPEL+ program.
VCal Calibration [, var]
- Calibration
- Name of the Calibration to be calibrated .
- var
- Optional. Integer variable that will contain the return status.
Returns status in var.
If the user clicks [OK] button, var will contain “1”.
If the user clicks [Cancel] button, var will contain “0”.
The calibration definition must be set up from the Vision Guide window or created using VCreateCalibration before a calibration will run. Also, the calibration points must already be taught, or you can use a point file in the Controller with the same name as the calibration that has the point data required for calibration. If Epson RC+ sees this point file, it will use the points in the file. See the following example.
After executing a calibration with VCal, you must call VSave to save the new calibration data.
When the camera to be used for the calibration is connected to Compact Vision, Epson RC+ needs to be connected to the Robot Controller. Otherwise, the command will result in an execution error.
Example 1
In this example 1, disable the AutoReference property and enable the AutoCamPoints property to perform calibration of the mobile J6 camera.
Function CalMobileJ6
String cal$
cal$ = "mycal"
VCreateCalibration 1, cal$
VSet cal$.CameraOrientation, VISION_CAMORIENT_MOBILEJ6
VSet cal$.TargetSequence, "calSeq"
VSet cal$.AutoReference, False
VSet cal$.AutoCamPoints, True
VCalPoints cal$
VCal cal$
Example 2
In this example 2, use a recognition result of nine points using a calibrated mobile camera insteead of implementing teaching to calibrate a fixed downward camera.
Function CalFixedCamera
Integer i, status
Boolean found
Real x, y, u
String obj$
' "mobileCal" is a sequence with 9 blobs
' that uses a mobile calibration.
' First we search with the mobile camera
Jump mobileCamView
VRun mobileCal
VGet mobileCal.AllFound, found
If Not found Then
MsgBox "Could not find all targets"
Exit Function
For i = 1 TO 9
obj$ = "blob0" + Str$(i)
VGet mobileCal.obj$.RobotXYU, found, x, y, u
' Save each target point in robot coordinates
P(i) = XY(x, y, 0, 0)
Next i
' Save the points for VCal to use
' Note that "fixed" is the name of the calibration
SavePoints "fixed.pts"
Jump clearFixed
' Calibrate the fixed camera calibration scheme
VCal fixed, status
If status = 1 Then
See Also
ShowConfirmation Property, VCalPoints, VCreateCalibration, Vision Sequences, VSave