VDefLocal Statement

Applies To
Vision Calibration

VDefLocal detects a calibration plate placed on a work plane by a mobile camera, and defines local coordinates parallel to the work plane.


VDefLocal  LocalNumber, LocalType, CalibPlateType, Sequence,[TargetTolerance],[CameraTooNo],[RefPointNo],[RobotSpeed],[RobotAccel]
Integer variable representing a tool number to set local coordinates (1 to 15)
Integer variable representing a local type
VISION_DEFLOCAL_J6CAM: Specifies local coordinates parallel to a calibration plate by using the mobile J6 camera.
Integer variable that will contains the type of calibration plate
VISION_CALIBPLATE_L: Large calibration plate VISION_CALIBPLATE_M: Medium calibration plate VISION_CALIBPLATE_S: Small calibration plate VISION_CALIBPLATE_XS: Extra small calibration plate
Name of a sequence or string expression containing a sequence name.
When using the mobile camera, this is a vision sequence to detect a reference marker on the calibration plate.
When using the fixed camera, this is a vision sequence to detect a feature point at tool end, such as user’s workpiece.
Real variable containing a pixel distance to consider that the vision detection result matches the target position.
Value range: 0, 0.1 to 3.0 pixels
Default: 1
If omitted or “0” is specified, it is set to “1”.
VISION_DEFLOCAL_J6CAM: If auto calibration has been executed, specify a tool number of mobile camera.
To perform auto calibration, specify -1.
Specifies the point which a local plane parallel to a work plane passes.
This point is used to specify the local plane height.
Integer variable displaying the speed of the robot (%)
Value range: 0 to 100
Default: 5
When set to “0”, or when left unspecified, this value will be set to “5”.
Integer variable displaying the acceleration of the robot (%)
Value range: 0 to 99
Default: 5
When set to “0”, or when left unspecified, this value will be set to “5”.

VDefLocal detects a calibration plate placed on a work plane by a mobile camera, and defines local coordinates parallel to the work plane.

Robot operates automatically based on the detection results of the target. Be careful of interference between the robot and peripherals. Also, use with avoiding singularity nearby posture that each axis extends to prevent an error during the local coordinate setting.

See Also
VDefArm Statement, VDefGetMotionRange Statement, VDefSetMotionRange Statement, VDefTool Statement, VGoCenter Statement