VDefToolXYZ Statement
Applies To
Vision Calibration
VDefToolXYZ uses vision detection to calculate tool XYZ offset values and define a tool.
VDefToolXYZ ToolNumber, LocalNumber, PointNumber1, PointNumber2, Sequence1, Sequence2, FinalAngle, InitialAngle, TargetTolerance, RobotSpeed, RobotAccel
- ToolNumber
- Integer variable representing a tool number to perform tool set. (1 to 15)
- LocalNumber
- Integer variable representing a local coordinate number for moving the robot
- Tool is moved in the XY plane of the specified local coordinate.
- PointNumber1
- Integer variable representing a point number of first pose
- PointNumber2
- Integer variable representing a point number of second pose
- Sequence1
- Name of a sequence or string expression containing a sequence name for first pose.
- Sequence2
- Name of a sequence or string expression containing a sequence name for second pose.
- FinalAngle
- Real variable containing an angle (degrees).
- Value range: 5 to 180, -5 to -180 [degrees]
Rotates in the U-axis direction of the local coordinate system specified by LocalNumber. - InitialAngle
- Real variable containing an angle (degrees) that indicates the rotation angle when setting a temporary tool .
- Value range: 0.01 to 10, -0.01 to -10 [degrees]
Rotates in the U-axis direction of the local coordinate system specified by LocalNumber.
Absolute value of this value must be smaller than that of FinalAngle. - TargetTolerance
- Real variable containing a pixel distance to consider that the vision detection result matches the target position.
- Value range: 0.1 to 3.0 pixel
- RobotSpeed
- Integer variable displaying the speed of the robot (%)
- Value range: 1 to 100
- RobotAccel
- Integer variable displaying the acceleration of the robot (%)
- Value range: 1 to 99
VDefToolXYZ uses vision detection to calculate a tool XYZ offset value. The calculated tool offset value is set to X, Y, Z of the specified ToolNumber. At this time, 0 is set for U, V, and W.
The robot operates automatically based on the detection results of the target. Be careful of interference between the robot and peripherals. Also, be careful to avoid singularities for nearby postures to prevent an error during the tool set.
'Calculate the position offsets of the tool tip marker.
VDefToolXYZ 1, 0, 1, 2, seq01, seq02, 30, 5, 1, 5, 5
'Calculate the position offset of the tool middle marker.
VDefToolXYZ 2, 0, 3, 4, seq03, seq04, 30, 5, 1, 5, 5
'Calculate the position offset of the tool root marker.
VDefToolXYZ 3, 0, 5, 6, seq05, seq06, 30, 5, 1, 5, 5
'Calculate the pose offset of the tool and define tool number 1.
See Also
VDefTool Statement, VDefToolXYZUVW Statement