Vision Guide Window Tabs
The property list toolbar and buttons
A toolbar and buttons are displayed above the property grid. The user can select properties for property list and result list (Default: Show basic properties).
Button | Description |
Show basic properties: The properties commonly used by the selected vision sequence, object, or calibration are displayed in the property list. Use this Basic mode if you are using the Vision Guide for the first time, or if you want to test the object with the minimum property value changes. | |
Show advanced properties: All properties available for the selected vision sequence, object, or calibration are displayed in the property list. Use this button to adjust for optimal vision operation by using all available properties and results. |
Your selection affects any sequence, object, or calibration and is remembered when Epson RC+ 8.0 is reopened.
For example, when you select Advanced properties, you will see advanced properties for all sequences, objects, and calibrations that you select. After re-opening Epson RC+ 8.0, Advanced properties are displayed, which was your last selection.
The Sequence Window
The sequence window can be displayed at the right side of the window by clicking the vision sequence in the flow chart or selecting the sequence in the sequence tree. The sequence window is used to:
- Set properties for the vision sequence.
- Examine the results for the entire vision sequence.
Sequence Window: (a) Properties List
The properties for the vision sequence are shown in the Properties list that looks similar to a small spreadsheet. The name of the property is on the left side and the value is shown on the right.
Vision properties are set by first clicking on the value field for a specific property and then either entering a value or selecting from a list which is displayed.
Some of the vision sequence properties include:
Item | Description |
Camera | Specifies which camera to use for this vision sequence. |
RuntimeAcquire | Defines the acquisition method for this sequence (i.e. strobed, none, stationary) |
Calibration | Defines which calibration to use for this vision sequence |
ImageBuffer | Specifies the buffer number to be used in the vision sequence 0: Unique buffer numbers that each camera has (Default) 1 to 10: Buffers shared in the vision sequence |
ImageSize | Specifies the resolution of the camera to be used in the vision sequence Default: Camera resolution |
For details on vision sequence properties, refer to the following.
- Vision Sequences
- "Vision Guide 8.0 Properties & Result Reference"
Sequence Window: (b) Results List
The results for the vision sequence are shown in the Results list that is located just below the Properties list. The Results list will only display values in the value field after a vision sequence is executed. Prior to execution the result field will not display anything.
The following results are displayed in the result column:
Item | Description |
AllPassed | Displays whether all vision objects were accepted. |
Time | The amount of time it took to process the vision sequence |
The Object Window
The Object window can be displayed at the right side of the window by clicking the vision object in the flow chart or selecting the object in the sequence tree. The Object window is used to:
- Set property values for vision objects.
- View results after execution of vision objects or vision sequences.
Object Window: (a) Properties List
The properties for vision objects are shown in the Properties list that is similar to a small spreadsheet. The name of the property is on the left side and the value is shown on the right.
Vision object properties can be set by clicking on the Value field for a specific property and then either entering a value or selecting from a list which is displayed.
Vision object properties vary depending upon vision object type but the most common vision object properties are:
Item | Description |
AbortSeqOnFail | If set to True, the entire vision sequence will abort if this object is not passed during execution |
Accept | The threshold value for comparing with the Score result. If the Score is greater than the Accept property value, this object is considered found. |
Frame | Defines which vision frame to apply to the positioning of this object. |
PassType | Defines the acceptance condition of the object detection result. |
For details on vision object properties, refer to the following.
- Vision Objects
- "Vision Guide 8.0 Properties & Result Reference"
Object Window: (b) Results List
The results for the vision object are shown in the Results list that is located just below the Properties list. The Results list will display values in the Value field after either this vision object or the entire vision sequence is executed. Prior to execution the Results list of a specific vision object may not display anything or it may display the results from the last time the vision object was run.
It is sometimes useful to display the Object window when running an entire vision sequence. This allows you to see the results for a particular object each time you run the sequence.
Vision Guide 8.0 allows you to run a vision sequence and then switch between vision objects to see the results for each individual vision object. You must select between the vision objects by using the vision object drop down list. If one of the vision objects is selected by clicking on the object in the image display, the object’s results are cleared.
Vision Guide 8.0 keeps the results available even which switching between vision objects.
The results vary depending upon vision object type. Common vision object results are as follows:
Item | Description |
Found | shows whether the vision object was found. |
Passed | displays whether the object detection result was accepted. |
Time | the amount of time it took to process this vision object. |
The following operations are available for the vision object which is currently active when right clicking the result list.
Item | Description |
Copy all results | Copies all results to a clipboard. |
Export all results | Exports all results into a CSV file. It can be saved in a table form so it is useful when using vision objects that return multiple results. |
For details on the teaching vision objects, refer to the following.
Vision Objects
The [Run] button for the object in the Run Panel is used to run the currently selected vision object. This is useful for testing the current vision object by itself to fine-tune the property values for that object.
If a vision object is associated with other vision objects (e.g. a Polar object whose center position is defined by the results of a Correlation object), then the required vision objects will execute first, and then the current vision object will be executed.
For example, assume that you want to run a Polar object when the Polar object’s CenterPointObject property is defined by the results of a Correlation object. In this case, you can select the Polar object as the current object from the flow chart. Then, click the [Run Object] button and the Correlation object will execute first, followed immediately by the Polar object.
It is important to understand the difference between running a vision object and running a vision sequence. To run a vision object, simply click the [Run] button of the object on the execution panel.
Make sure that the desired vision object is selected in the flow chart or sequence tree before running. Running a vision object will execute only that vision object and any vision objects that may be required by that object.
When executing a vision sequence, all vision objects within that sequence will execute.
The Calibration Window
The Calibration window can be displayed at the right side of the window by selecting the calibration in the sequence tree.
The Calibration window is used for setting a calibration and viewing calibration results.
Calibration Window: (a) Properties List
The properties for the vision Calibration are shown in the Properties list, which looks similar to a small spreadsheet. The name of the property is on the left side and the value is shown on the right. Properties are set by first clicking on the Value field for a specific property and then either entering a value or selecting from a list which is displayed.
For information on Calibration properties, refer to the following.
- Calibration
- "Vision Guide 8.0 Properties & Result Reference"
Calibration Window: (b) Results list
The results for the Vision Calibration are shown in the Results list that is located just below the Properties list.
For details on camera calibration, refer to the following.
The Jog Tab
The Jog tab is used for jogging the robot during calibration or while viewing live video.
The Jog tab can be displayed by clicking the [Jog] button at the right side of the sequence and calibration trees. The Jog tab can be a fly-out panel.
Selecting the [Jog] tab starts the communication with the Controller. If the communication failed, the display returns to the previously-selected tab.
Before jogging, the robot motors must be turned on. You can turn ON the motors from the Robot Manager or the Command Window.
At the top of the Jog tab are settings for functions needed when jogging the robot.
- Turn motor power on and off
- Change power
- Execute Reset
- Select the current robot
Jog Tab: Selecting the Jog Mode
Select the jog mode from the [Mode] box. The choices available are World, Tool, Local, Joint, and ECP (if ECP is enabled). You can select the current Tool, Local, and ECP from the Robot Manager.
Jog Tab: Selecting the Jog Speed
Select the jog speed from the [Speed] box.
Jog Tab: Selecting the Jog Distance
Select the jog distance by clicking on the option button in the [Jog Distance] group. When Long, Medium, and Short distances are selected, you can change the distance by typing in the jog distance text boxes.
Jog Tab: Jogging the Robot
After selecting the jog mode, jog speed, and jog distance, click the jogging buttons to jog the robot. When the jog distance is set to Continuous, the robot will move until you release the button. For the other distances, the robot will move the amount specified in the jog distance. If a jog button is held down, the robot will continue to move.