Vision Sequence Properties and Results

Vision sequences, like vision objects, have properties and results. The primary difference is that the properties and results for Vision Sequences apply to the entire Vision Sequence, while vision object property settings apply to only one vision object.

Vision Sequence Properties

Vision sequence properties are normally used for setting up the execution of the Vision Sequence and to set the proper values for the acquisition of an image for which all the vision objects within the vision sequence will then work from.
All vision sequence properties apply to the entire vision sequence. For example, the Calibration property is set at the vision sequence level rather than the vision object Level.
In this way, all vision objects within a vision sequence will use the Calibration specified by the Calibration property and all the results are guaranteed to be with respect to the same calibration.

The following list is a summary of properties for vision sequences. For details on each property, refer to the following.
"Vision Guide 8.0 Properties & Result Reference"

Property Description

Specifies the camera calibration to use for the vision sequence. This must be specified in order to return Robot or Camera coordinate results.

Default: none


Specifies which camera to use for the vision sequence.

Default: 1


Specifies the brightness value.

Default: 128


Specifies the contrast value.

Default: 128


Sets a user description

Default: Blank


Specifies the delay before the exposure is started. (Unit : microsecond)

Default: 0


Specifies the exposure time when used in asynchronous reset mode. (Unit : microsecond)

Default: 0


Specifies which buffer to store the grabbed image in.

Default: 0


Specifies how color images should be acquired.

Default: 1 - All


Specifies the name of the file that contains the image on disk that you want to work from.

Default: None (no image file)


Specifies the scale factor for an image file.

Default: 0 (fit to ImageSize)


Specifies the resolution of the grabbed image.

Default: Maximum resolution of the current camera.


Specifies the source for the image.

Default: 1 - Camera

Index Displays the index of the sequence.

Displays the captured image as the HDR image.

Default: False

Name The name of the vision sequence.

Defines which method to use to acquire an image for use with the vision sequence.

Default: 1 - Stationary


Tells the vision sequence to freeze the image for display.

Default: True

SaveImage Displays a dialog box for saving the current image to disk.

Specifies whether image processing will be displayed.

Default: True


Specifies whether to clear the image to black after the sequence starts and before the image is grabbed after the trigger is received.

Default: True


Specifies the delay before the strobe output is turned on. (Unit: microsecond)

Default: 0


Specifies the time that the strobe output is on. (Unit : microsecond)

Default: 0


Specifies the electronic shutter trigger mode.

Default: Leading Edge

GridColor Specifies the name of grid’s color displayed in the image display.
GridPitchX Specifies the X pitch of the grids displayed in the image display.
GridPitchY Specifies the Y pitch of the grids displayed in the image display.

Specifies whether to display the grids in the image display.

Default: False


Specify the type of the grids displayed in the image display.

1 - Cross Hair 2 - Rectangle


Specifies the unit of pitches for the grids displayed in the image display.

1 - Pixel

2 - MM

When “2 - MM” is selected, the grids are not displayed if calibration is not performed.

Vision Sequence Results

Vision sequence results apply to the entire vision sequence.
They are useful because they tell you information about the vision sequence as a whole. For example, the AllPassed result returns whether all vision objects within the vision sequence were found.
The following list is a summary of vision sequence results with brief descriptions. For details on each result, refer to the following.
"Vision Guide 8.0 Properties & Result Reference"

Result Description
AllPassed Returns whether all vision objects within the sequence were accepted.

Returns the total execution time for the vision sequence.

This includes the cumulative time for all vision objects as well as the time required to acquire an image.