Running Vision Sequences from SPEL+

One of the primary design goals for Vision Guide 8.0 was to make sure that whatever was created from the Point and Click Vision Guide 8.0 Development Environment was fully accessible from the SPEL+ language. That is, it is possible to use the Vision Guide 8.0 Development Environment as a prototyping environment and use it in the SPEL+ Language without rewriting.
Therefore, once you create a vision sequence from the Vision Guide 8.0 Development Environment, that vision sequence can be executed from VRun command in SPEL+.
The syntax for VRun is just “VRun seqname”. Where “seqname” is the name of the vision sequence you want to run. In the code snippet shown below you will see 2 different VRun statements each initiating a different vision sequence.

“VRun findpin” initiates a sequence to find the center position of a pin for the robot to pick up the pin.

“VRun housing” is executed in the later in the program to find the position in the housing to place the pin.

VRun findpin  
VGet findpin.pincntr.RobotXYU, found, X, Y, U  
VRun housing  
VGet housing.setpos.RobotXYU, found, X, Y, U  

This is just a small example of how to use the VRun command. For more details on how to use the SPEL+ language with Vision Guide Sequences and with the Robot, refer to the following.
Using Vision Guide 8.0 with SPEL+