Code Number 10000 ~

No. Message Remedy Note 1 Note 2
10000 Command aborted by user -
10001 Command timeout. -
10002 Bad point file line syntax -
10003 Project could not be built. -
10004 Cannot initialize Spel class instance. -
10005 Cannot initialize parser. -
10006 Cannot initialize wbproxy. -
10007 Project does not exist. Check whether the project name and the path are correct.
10008 No project specified. Specify the project.
10009 Cannot open file. Check whether the project name and the path are correct.
10010 Cannot create file. -
10011 File not found Check whether the project name and the path are correct.
10012 Cannot execute FLoad with Robot Manager open. Close the robot manager and execute.
10013 Cannot execute LoadPoints with Robot Manager open. Close the robot manager and execute.
10014 Project cannot be locked. It is being used by another session. Terminate other applications.
10015 Project could not be synchronized. -
10016 Drive not ready Check whether the drive designation is correct.
10017 Invalid IP address Check the IP address.
10018 Invalid IP mask Check the IP mask.
10019 Invalid IP gateway Check the IP gateway.
10020 IP address or gateway cannot be the subnet address. Check the IP address.
10021 IP address or gateway cannot be the broadcast address. Check the IP address.
10022 Invalid DNS address Check the DNS.
10023 Commands cannot be executed because the project build is not complete. Execute after the project build is completed.
10024 Invalid task name. Check the task name.
10100 Command already in cycle. -
10101 Command aborted by user. Execute ResetAbort.
10102 Invalid server instance. Specify the correct instance.
10103 Invalid CommandTask value. Specify the correct task number.
10104 Cannot change ServerInstance after initialized. Set ServerInstance before initialization.
10105 Invalid data. Review the data in TaskInfo method in RC+ API.
10106 Cannot proceed while a dialog is being displayed. Check whether the Rundialog method or TeachPoint method is being executed while the Rundialog method or TeachPoint method is being executed in RC+ API.

Function Block

Command execution timeout.

Check the connection with PLC.

Function Block

Cannot execute the command.

ExtError is high or ExtCmdReset is low.

Check ExtError bit and ExtCmdReset bit.

Function Block

Invalid configuration detected.

Review the configuration.

Function Block

An invalid value for MaxTime was used.

Check that the value for MaxTime is greater than 0.

Function Block

Cannot execute instruction because another instruction is executing.

Check to ensure that instructions are not executed simultaneously.
10501 Connection aborted. -
10502 Cannot connect with the controller. -
10503 Controller firmware is not compatible with this version of RC+. Upgrade the RC+ version.
10504 USB connection of this system is reserved for the RC620 Controller and cannot be used for RC+8.0. Install the RC+8.0 to another computer.
10505 The specified connection does not exist. Check the connection number.
10600 Frame grabber driver not installed. Install the driver.