Code Number 3000 ~

No. Message Remedy Note 1 Note 2
3000 OBJ file size is large. TP1 may not be able to build this project. When it is necessary to build the project from TP1, consider to reduce the program.
3001 The number of variables which is using Wait command is near the maximum allowed. The number of variables which is using Wait command is exceeding 56 (the maximum is 64). Check if there are unnecessary variables.
3002 DLL file cannot be found.

Check if the DLL file exists in either of the following folders:

- Project folder

- Windows system folder

- Configuration folder of environment variable PATH

3003 DLL function cannot be found. Check the name of the specified function. Also check the DLL file if the specified function exists in the DLL.
3050 Main function is not defined. Declare a Main function.
3051 Function does not exist. Declare an unresolved function.
3052 Variable does not exist. Declare an unresolved variable.
3100 Syntax error.

Correct the syntax error.

Part Feeding:

Command syntax is not correct.

Check the description of the command in "Part Feeding 8.0 Introduction & Hardware (Common) & Software SoftwarePart Feeding SPEL+ Command Reference" and correct the code.

3101 Parameter count error.

The number of parameters is excess or deficiency. Correct the parameters.

Part Feeding:

Command syntax is not correct.

Check the description of the command in "Part Feeding 8.0 Introduction & Hardware (Common) & Software SoftwarePart Feeding SPEL+ Command Reference" and correct the code.

3102 File name length is beyond the maximum allowed. Shorten the file name.
3103 Duplicate function definition. Change the function name.
3104 Duplicate variable definition ‘ ** ’. Change the variable name.
3105 Global and Global Preserve variables cannot be defined inside a function block. Declare the Global and Global Preserve variables outside the function block.
3106 An undefined function was specified. Specify a valid function name.
3107 Both While and Until for Do...Loop was specified. The While/Until statement is specified for both Do statement and Loop statement. Delete either While/Until statement.
3108 Specified line number or label ‘ ** ’ does not exist. Set the line label.
3109 Overflow error. The direct numerical specification overflows. Reduce the numeric value.
3110 An undefined variable was specified ‘ ** ’. There is an undefined variable. Declare the variable.
3111 Specified variable is not an array variable. Specify the array variable.
3112 Cannot change the dimensions of the array variable. Dimension of the array cannot be changed in Redim statement during the run time. Correct the program.
3114 Specified Next variable does not match the specified For variable. Correct the variable name.
3115 Cannot use a point expression in the first argument. Specify a single point for the point flag setting. Do not specify a point expression.
3116 Array number of dimensions does not match the declaration. Check the number of array dimensions.
3117 File cannot be found. The file that configures the project cannot be found. Check the project folder if the file exists.
3118 Corresponding EndIf cannot be found. The number of EndIf statements that correspond to If and ElseIf statements is not enough. Add the EndIf statements.
3119 Corresponding Loop cannot be found. The number of Loop statements that correspond to Do statements is not enough. Add the Loop statements.
3120 Corresponding Next cannot be found. The number of Next statements that correspond to For statements is not enough. Add the Next statements.
3121 Corresponding Send cannot be found. The number of Send statements that correspond to Select statements is not enough. Add the Send statements.
3123 On/Off statements are beyond the maximum count. An upper limit (max. 16) is set on the number of On/Off statements in Curve statement. Check the upper limit and correct the program.
3124 Point number is beyond the maximum count. There is an upper limit that can be specified in the writing style (P1, P2,,,) in which points are listed side by side with commas. To specify multiple points with the Curve command, use P(😃 instead.
3125 Corresponding If cannot be found. The number of EndIf statements that correspond to If statements is too many. Delete the unnecessary EndIf.
3126 Corresponding Do cannot be found. The number of Loop statements that correspond to Do statements is too many. Delete the unnecessary Loop.
3127 Corresponding Select cannot be found. The number of Send statements that correspond to Select statements is too many. Delete the unnecessary Send.
3128 Corresponding For cannot be found. The number of Next statements that correspond to For statements is too many. Delete the unnecessary Next.
3129 '_' cannot be used as the first character of an identifier. Change the first character of the identifier to an alphabetic character.
3130 Cannot specify ROT parameter. ROT parameter cannot be specified in BGo, Go, TGo, Jump, and Jump3 statements. Correct the program.
3131 Cannot specify ECP parameter. ECP parameter cannot be specified in BGo, Go, TGo, Jump, Jump3, and Arc statements. Correct the program.
3132 Cannot specify Arch parameter. Arch parameter cannot be specified in BGo, Go, TGo, Arc, Arc3, BMove, Move, and TMove statements. Correct the program.
3133 Cannot specify LimZ parameter. LimZ parameter cannot be specified in BGo, Go, TGo, Jump3, Arc, Arc3, BMove, Move, and TMove statements. Correct the program.
3134 Cannot specify Sense parameter. Sense parameter cannot be specified in BGo, Go, TGo, Arc, Arc3, BMove, Move, and TMove statements. Correct the program.
3135 Invalid parameter is specified. Invalid parameter is specified in Xqt, and Call statements. Correct the program.
3137 Cannot specify the array variable subscript. The array variable subscript cannot be specified. Correct the program.
3138 ByRef was not specified on Function declaration. Specify ByRef in the parameter list of function declaration that is called by Call statement.
3139 Cannot execute the Xqt statement for a function that needs a ByRef parameter. The Xqt statement cannot be executed for a function needing a ByRef parameter. Delete the ByRef parameter.
3140 Cannot execute the Redim statement for a ByRef variable. The Redim statement cannot be executed for a variable specifying ByRef parameter. Delete the ByRef parameter.
3141 OBJ file is corrupt. -
3142 OBJ file size is beyond the available size after compiling. The compilation result exceeds the limit value (max. 1 MB per file). Divide the program.
3143 Indent length is beyond the available size. The available length of the identifier is max. 32 characters for labels and variable names, and 64 characters for function names. Reduce the number of characters so as not to exceed the available length. For details of the available length, refer to Epson RC+ User’s Guide “ Function and Variable Names (Naming restriction)”.
3144 ' ** ' is already used for a function name. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the function name.
3145 ' ** ' is already used with Global Preserve name. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the Global Preserve variable name.
3146 ' ** ' is already used with Global name. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the Global variable name.
3147 ' ** 'is already used with Module name. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the Module variable name.
3148 ' ** ' is already used with Local name. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the Local variable name.
3149 ' ** ' already used for an I/O label. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the I/O label name.
3150 ' ** ' already used for a User Error label. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the User Error label name.
3151 Cannot use a function parameter. Argument cannot be specified for the function that is executed by the Trap statement. Correct the program.
3152 Specified elements of the array variable are beyond the available size. Limit value of the array elements depends on the type of variables. Refer to Epson RC+8.0 User’s Guide “ Array” and correct the number of array elements so as not to exceed the limit value.
3153 Parameter type mismatch. Parameter type does not match in Call, Force_GetForces, and Xqt statements. Correct the parameter type.
3154 ' ** ' is not an Input Bit label. Specify a valid input bit label.
3155 ' ** ' is not an Input Byte label. Specify a valid input byte label.
3156 ' ** ' is not an Input Word label. Specify a valid input word label.
3157 ' ** ' is not an Output Bit label. Specify a valid output bit label.
3158 ' ** ' is not an Output Byte label. Specify a valid output byte label.
3159 ' ** ' is not an Output Word label. Specify a valid output word label.
3160 ' ** ' is not a Memory Bit label. Specify a valid memory I/O bit label.
3161 ' ** ' is not a Memory Byte label. Specify a valid memory I/O byte label.
3162 ' ** ' is not a Memory Word label. Specify a valid memory I/O word label.
3163 Too many function arguments. The maximum number of the function parameter is 100. Reduce the number of parameters.
3164 Cannot compare with Boolean value. The size of Boolean values cannot be compared. Correct the program.
3165 Cannot use Boolean value in the expression. Boolean value cannot be used in the expression. Correct the program.
3166 Cannot compare between Boolean and expression. The size of Boolean value and the expression cannot be compared. Correct the program.
3167 Cannot store Boolean value to a numeric variable. Boolean value cannot be used in the numeric variable. Correct the program.
3168 Cannot store numeric value to a Boolean variable. The numeric value cannot be used in Boolean variable. Correct the program.
3169 Undefined I/O label was specified. Define a new I/O label or specify the defined I/O label.
3170 Invalid condition expression was specified. String expression is specified for the right side of the condition expression in Do…Loop statement. Correct the condition expression so that the right side of the expression is Boolean value.
3171 Cannot compare between numeric value and string. The numeric value and string cannot be compared. Correct the program.
3172 Cannot use a keyword for a variable name. Some SPEL+ keywords cannot be used as the variable names. Correct the variable name not to overlap with the keywords.
3173 ' ** ' is already used for a line label. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the line label name.
3174 Duplicate line number or label (**). The line labels with the same name cannot be specified in the same function. Delete the line label ' ** ', or define a new line label and correct the program.
3175 Undefined Point label was specified. Define a new point label or specify the defined point label.
3176 An undefined variable was specified. Define a new variable or specify the defined variable.
3177 ' ** ' already used for a Point label. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the point label name.
3178 Cannot use the result number. The result number cannot be specified when a vision object that does not return multiple results is used in VSet and VGet statements. Correct the program.
3179 String literal is beyond the available length. The limit value of the string length is max. 255 characters. Reduce the string length so as not to exceed the limit value.
3180 Cannot change a calibration property value with the VSet command. Calibration property cannot be changed in VSet statement. Correct the program.
3181 Array variable should be used with ByRef. ByVal cannot be specified for the array variable. Specify the ByRef parameter.
3182 Subscription was not specified. Specify a subscription.
3183 Parameter cannot be omitted. Add a parameter.
3184 SYNC parameter cannot use with tracking command. SYNC parameter cannot be specified in tracking commands. Delete the SYNC parameter.
3185 Cannot use Queue data. Queue data cannot be specified in BGo, BMove, TGo, and TMove statements. Delete the queue data.
3186 Combination between Queue and Point data does not match. Combination of queue data and point data cannot be specified for coordinate specification of Arc, Arc3, Jump3, and Jump3CP statements. Use either queue data or the point data.
3187 Invalid Point flag value was specified. Correct the program so that the point flag value is within the range from 0 to 127.
3188 Call command cannot be used in parallel processing. Call command cannot be used parallel processing. Correct the program.
3189 Local variables cannot be used with the Wait command. Change of local variable cannot be waited by Wait statement. Correct the program.
3190 Array variables cannot be used with the Wait command. Change of array variable cannot be waited by Wait statement. Correct the program.
3191 Real variables cannot be used with the Wait command. Change of real variable cannot be waited by Wait statement. Correct the program.
3192 String variables cannot be used with the Wait command. Change of string variable cannot be waited by Wait statement. Correct the program.
3193 Vision object name is missing. Vision object name cannot be omitted in VTeach statement. Specify the object name.
3194 Cannot use Boolean value for the timeout value. Boolean value cannot be used for the timeout value of Wait statement. Correct the program.
3196 Fend statement was not found. The number of Fend statements that correspond to Function statements is not enough. Add the Fend statements.
3197 Numeric variable name cannot use '$'. Numeric variable name cannot use '$'. Correct the variable name.
3198 String variables must have '$' suffix. String variables must have a '$' suffix. Add a '$' suffix to the variable name.
3199 Invalid object was specified. Invalid vision object is specified in Vision Guide commands such as VSet and VGet. Specify the valid vision object.
3200 Value is missing. Add a value.
3201 Expected ' , '. Add ' , '.
3202 Expected ' ( '. Add ' ( '.
3203 Expected ' ) '. Add ' ) '.
3204 Identifier is missing. Specify an identifier.
3205 Point is not specified. Specify a point.
3206 Event condition expression is missing. Add an event condition expression.
3207 Formula is missing. Add a formula.
3208 String formula is missing. Add a string formula.
3209 Point formula is missing. Add a point formula.
3210 Line label was not specified. Check if the specified line label exists in the program. Add a valid line label.
3211 Variable was not specified. Specify a variable.
3212 Corresponding Fend cannot be found. The number of Fend statements that correspond to Function statements is not enough. Add the Fend statements.
3213 Expected ' : '. Add ' : '.
3214 True/False was not specified. True/False was not specified in the property of Vision Guide/GUI Builder or substitution of logical expression which requires Boolean value setting. Specify True or False.
3215 On/Off was not specified.

On or Off must be specified for the remote output logic setting of Motor, Brake, AutoLJM, SetSw, and Box statements. Specify On or Off.

Invalid PF_OutputOnOff command format used.

Check the description of the command in "Part Feeding 8.0 Introduction & Hardware (Common) & Software SoftwarePart Feeding SPEL+ Command Reference" and correct the code.

3216 High/Low was not specified. High or Low must be specified for the power mode setting of Power statement. Specify High or Low.
3217 Input bit label was not specified. Input bit label is not specified in SetSW, CTReset statement, Sw, and Ctr function. Specify a valid input bit label.
3218 Input byte label was not specified. Input byte label is not specified in SetIn statement, In, and InBCD function. Specify a valid input byte label.
3219 Input word label was not specified. Input word label is not specified in SetInW statement, InReal, and InW function. Specify a valid input word label.
3220 Output bit label was not specified. Output bit label is not specified in On, Off statement, and Oport function. Specify a valid output bit label.
3221 Output byte label was not specified. Output byte label is not specified in Out, OpBCD statement, and Out function. Specify a valid output byte label.
3222 Output word label was not specified. Output word label is not specified in OutW, OutReal statement, OutW, and OutReal function. Specify a valid output word label.
3223 Memory bit label was not specified. Memory bit label is not specified in MemOn, MemOff statement, and MemSw function. Specify a valid memory bit label.
3224 Memory byte label was not specified. Memory byte label is not specified in MemOut statement and MemIn function. Specify a valid memory byte label.
3225 Memory word label was not specified. Memory word label is not specified in MemOutW statement and MemInW function. Specify a valid memory word label.
3226 User error label was not specified. User error label is not specified in Error statement. Specify a valid user error label.
3227 Function name was not specified. Function name is not specified in the statement that requires function name designation, such as Call and Xqt. Specify a valid function name.
3228 Variable type was not specified. Variable type is not specified for the parameter definition of Function statement and Preserve parameter specification of Global statement. Specify a correct variable type.

Invalid Trap statement parameter. Use Goto, Call, or Xqt.

Specify either GoTo, Call, or Xqt as a parameter of Trap statement.

Expected For/Do/Function.

Specify either For, Do, or Function as a parameter of Exit statement.
3231 Above/Below was not specified. Setting value for the elbow orientation is not specified in Elbow statement. Specify either Above or Below.
3232 Righty/Lefty was not specified. Setting value for the hand orientation is not specified in Hand statement. Specify either Righty or Lefty.
3233 NoFlip/Flip was specified. Setting value for the wrist orientation is not specified in Wrist statement. Specify either NoFilip or Flip.
3234 Port number was not specified.

Port number that indicates the file or communication port is not specified in Read, ReadBin, Write, and WriteBin statements.

Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “Read Statement” and specify a proper file number or port number.

3235 String type variable was not specified. String type variable is not specified in the command that requires specification of string type variable as a parameter. Specify a valid string type variable.
3236 RS-232C port number was not specified. RS-232C port number is not specified in OpenCom, CloseCom, and SetCom statements. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “OpenCom Statement” and specify a proper port number.
3237 Network communication port number was not specified. Network communication port number is not specified in OpenNet, CloseNet, SetNet, and WaitNet statement. Specify an integer from 201 to 216.
3238 Communication speed was not specified. Communication speed (baud rate) is not specified in SetCom statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “SetCom Statement” and specify a proper baud rate.
3239 Data bit number was not specified. Data bit length is not specified in SetCom statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “SetCom Statement” and specify a proper data bit length.
3240 Stop bit number was not specified. Stop bit length is not specified in SetCom statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “SetCom Statement” and specify a proper stop bit length.
3241 Parity was not specified. Parity is not specified in SetCom statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “SetCom Statement” and specify a proper parity.
3242 Terminator was not specified. Terminator (end of send/receive line) is not specified in SetCom and SetNet statements. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “SetCom Statement” and specify a proper terminator.
3243 Hardware flow was not specified. Hardware flow is not specified in SetCom statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “SetCom Statement” and specify a proper flow control.
3244 Software flow was not specified. Software flow is not specified in SetCom statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “SetCom Statement” and specify a proper flow control.
3245 None was not specified. “NONE” is not specified for software flow control setting in SetNet statement. Specify “NONE”.
3246 Parameter ' O ' or ' C ' was not specified. Open or close parameter for the end of a curve is not specified in Curve statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “Curve Statement” and specify a proper open/close parameter.
3247 NumAxes parameter was not specified. The number of coordinate axes controlled during a curve motion is not specified in Curve statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “Curve Statement” and specify a proper number of the coordinate axes.
3248 J4Flag value (0-1) was not specified. Specify 0 or 1, or an expression for J4Flag value.
3249 J6Flag value (0-127) was not specified. Specify an integer from 0 to 127, or an expression for J6Flag value.
3250 Array variable was not specified. Array variable is not specified in the statement that requires specification of array variable. Specify a valid array variable.
3251 String Array variable was not specified. Array which stores a token must be a string array variable in ParseStr statement and ParseStr function. Specify a string array variable.
3252 Device ID was not specified. Device ID is not specified in DispDev statement or Cls command. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “DispDev Statement” and specify a proper device ID.
3253 I/O type was not specified. I/O type is not specified in IOLabel$ function. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “IOLabel$ Function” and specify a proper I/O type.
3254 I/O bit width was not specified. I/O bit size (I/O port width) is not specified in IODef, IOLabe function. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “IODef Function” and specify a proper I/O bit size.
3255 ByRef was not specified. Although the ByRef is specified in the function declaration, no ByRef is specified for calling. Specify the ByRef parameter.
3256 Variable type was not specified. Variable type is not specified in Global statement. Specify a correct variable type.
3257 Condition expression does not evaluate to Boolean value. Condition expression in If, ElseIf, Do, and Loop statement must return a Boolean value. Correct the condition expression to return a Boolean value.
3258 RS232C port number was not specified. RS-232C port number is not specified in ChkCom function. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “ChkCom Function” and specify a proper port number.
3259 Network communication port number was not specified. Network communication port number is not specified in ChkNet function. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “ChkNet Function” and specify a proper port number.
3260 Language ID was not specified. Language ID is not specified in ErrMsg$ function. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “ErrMsg$ Function” and specify a proper language ID.
3261 Expected '.'. Add '.'.
3262 Vision Sequence Name was not specified. Vision sequence name is not specified in Vision Guide commands such as VSet, VGet, and VRun. Add a sequence name.
3263 Vision Sequence Name or Calibration Name was not specified. Vision sequence name or calibration name is not specified in VSet statements. Add a sequence name or calibration name.
3264 Vision Property Name or Result Name was not specified. Vision property name or result name is not specified in VSet and VGet statements. Add a property name or result name.
3265 Vision Property Name, Result Name or Object Name was not specified. Either of Vision property name, result name, or object name is not specified in VSet and VGet statements. Add either of a property name, result name, or object name.
3266 Vision Calibration Property Name was not specified. Vision calibration property name is not specified in VSet and VGet statements. Add a property name.
3267 Task type was not specified. Task type is not specified in Xqt statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “Xqt Statement” and specify a proper task type.
3268 Form name was not specified. Form name is not specified in GSet, GGet, GShow, GShowDialog, and GClose statements. Specify a form name.
3269 Property Name or Control Name was not specified. Property name or control name is not specified in GSet and GGet statements. Specify a property name or control name.
3270 Property Name was not specified. Property name is not specified in GSet and GGet statements. Specify a property name.
3271 BackColorMode was not specified. BackColorMode property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “BackColorMode Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3272 BorderStyle was not specified. BorderStyle property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “BorderStyle Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3273 DropDownStyle was not specified. DropDownStyle property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “DropDownStyle Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3274 EventTaskType was not specified. EventTaskType property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “EventTaskType Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3275 ImageAlign was not specified. ImageAlign property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “ImageAlign Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3276 IOType was not specified. IOType property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “IOType Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3277 FormBorderStyle was not specified. FormBorderStyle property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “FormBorderStyle Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3278 ScrollBars was not specified. ScrollBars property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “ScrollBars Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3279 SizeMode was not specified. SizeMode property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “SizeMode Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3280 StartPosition was not specified. StartPosition property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “StartPosition Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3281 TextAlign was not specified. TextAlign property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. This error occurs when the control type cannot be identified because the control is specified by a string variable. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “TextAlign Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3282 TextAlign was not specified. TextAlign property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. This error occurs when the control is a text box. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “TextAlign Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3283 TextAlign was not specified. TextAlign property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. This error occurs when the control is other than a text box. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “TextAlign Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3284 WindowState was not specified. WindowState property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 manual “WindowState Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3285 J1FLAG was not specified. Specify 0 or 1, or an expression for J1Flag value.
3286 J2FLAG was not specified. Specify 0 or 1, or an expression for J2Flag value.
3287 Robot ID was not specified. Specify a robot number.
3288 Robot ID/All was not specified. Robot number or All is not specified in InsideBox and InsidePlane function. Specify a robot number which performs intrusion detection, or All.
3289 Area ID was not specified. Area number is not specified in InsideBox and InsidePlane function. Specify an approach check area number which returns status by an integer from 1 to 15.
3290 File number was not specified. File number is not specified in the command related to file management. Specify a file number by an integer from 30 to 63 or an expression.
3292 Database type was not specified. Database type is not specified in OpenDB statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “OpenDB Statement” and specify a proper database type.
3293 Disk type was not specified. Type of the disk that is subject to file manipulation is not specified in ChDisk statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “ChDisk Statement” and specify a proper disk type.
3295 Conveyor area ID was not specified. Area ID that is subject to count the queue data is not specified in Cnv_QueLen function. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “Cnv_QueLen Function” and specify a proper area ID.
3296 Database file number was not specified. Data base number that is subject to operation is not specified in OpenDB, CloseDB, DeleteDB, UpdateDB, and SelectDB function. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “OpenDB Statement” and specify a proper database number.
3297 Vision calibration name was not specified. Calibration name is not specified in VCal statement. Specify a name of calibration that is subject to calibrate.
3298 Vision object type ID was not specified. Vision object type is not specified in VCreateObject statement. Refer to Vision Guide 8.0 Properties & Results Reference “VCreateObject Statement” and specify a proper object type.
3299 Shutdown mode ID was not specified. Shutdown mode value is not specified in ShutDown statement and ShutDown function. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “Shutdown Statement” and specify a proper mode value.
3301 Version of linked OBJ file does not match. Not all project files are compiled in the same version. Rebuild the project.
3302 Linked OBJ file does not match the compiled I/O label. The project configuration has been changed. Rebuild the project.
3303 Linked OBJ file does not match the compiled user error label. The project configuration has been changed. Rebuild the project.
3304 Linked OBJ file does not match the compiled compile option. The project configuration has been changed. Rebuild the project.
3305 Linked OBJ file does not match the compiled link option. The project configuration has been changed. Rebuild the project.
3306 Linked OBJ file does not match the compiled SPEL option. The project configuration has been changed. Rebuild the project.
3307 Duplicate function. The same function name is used for more than one file. Correct the program (function name).
3308 Duplicate global preserve variable. The same global preserve variable name is used for more than one file. Correct the program (variable name).
3309 Duplicate global variable. The same global variable name is used for more than one file. Correct the program (variable name).
3310 Duplicate module variable. The same module variable name is used for more than one file. Correct the program (variable name).
3311 File cannot be found. -
3312 OBJ file is corrupt. -
3313 The specified file name includes character(s) that cannot be used. -
3314 Cannot open the file. The file is used for other application. Quit the other application.
3315 ' ** ' is already used for a function name. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the function name. Rebuild the project.
3316 ' ** ' is already used for a global preserve variable name. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the global preserve variable name. Rebuild the project.
3317 ' ** ' is already used for a global variable name. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the global variable name. Rebuild the project.
3318 ' ** 'is already used for a module variable name. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the module variable name. Rebuild the project.
3319 Dimension of the array variable does not match the declaration. Correct the dimension of the array and rebuild the project.
3320 Return value type of the function does not match the declaration. Correct the return value type of the function and rebuild the project.
3321 ' ** ' is already used for a function name. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the function name. Rebuild the project.
3322 ' ** ' is already used with Global Preserve name. Correct the identifier ' ' or the global preserve variable name. Rebuild the project.
3323 ' ** ' is already used with Global name. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the global variable name. Rebuild the project.
3324 ' ** ‘ is already used with Module name. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the module variable name. Rebuild the project.
3325 ' ** ' is already used with Local name. Correct the identifier ' ** ' or the Local variable name. Rebuild the project.
3326 The number of parameters does not match the declaration. Check the number of parameters in the function, correct the program, and then rebuild the project.
3327 ByRef was not specified in Function declaration for parameter **. -
3328 ByRef was not specified for parameter **. -
3329 Parameter ** type mismatch. -
3330 Linked OBJ file does not match the compiled Vision Project. Rebuild the project.
3331 OBJ file size is beyond the available size after linking. The OBJ file size exceeds the limit value (8MB). Reduce the program.
3332 Variable '**' is redefined. Variable ' ** ’ is overloaded. Delete unnecessary variable definition and rebuild the project.
3333 Linked OBJ file does not match the compiled GUI Builder Project. Rebuild the project.
3334 The number of variables which is using Wait command is beyond the maximum allowed. The number of variables which is using Wait command is exceeding the maximum allowed (64). Delete the variables and rebuild the project.
3335 Call cannot be used in parallel processing. Call cannot be used in parallel processing. Correct the program and rebuild the project.
3336 Variable was redefined. Correct the data type of the variable and rebuild the project.
3351 Invalid object index was specified.
3352 Force Guide Sequence Name was not specified.
3353 Force Guide Property Name or Result Name was not specified.
3354 Force Guide Property Name, Result Name or Object Name was not specified.
3355 Force Guide project file has unsupported file format.
3356 Linked OBJ file does not match the compiled Force Guide Project.
3400 Dialog ID was not specified. Dialog ID is not specified in RunDialog statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “RunDialog Statement” and specify a dialog ID.
3401 Main function name was not specified. Name of the main function to execute is not specified in StartMain statement. Specify a main function name (main to main63).
3402 Vision object name was not specified. Vision object name is not specified in VLoadModel, VSaveModel, VShowModel, VTeach, and VTrain statements. Specify an object name.
3403 Recover mode ID was not specified. Recover mode is not specified in Recover statement or Recover function. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “Recover Statement” and specify a proper mode.
3404 Trap condition was not specified. Trap number or trap event is not specified in Trap statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “Trap Statement” and specify a proper trap number or event.
3405 DialogResult was not specified. DialogResult property setting value is not specified in GSet statement. Refer to GUI Builder 8.0 “DialogResult Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3406 MsgBox_Type was not specified. Display type is not specified in MsgBox statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “MsgBox Statement” and specify a proper setting value.
3407 Byte type array variable was not specified. Byte type array variable is not specified for send or receive data in FbusIO_SendMsg statement. Send/receive data must be specified by Byte type array.
3408 Single array variable was not specified. The number of dimensions is not proper in the command where single array variable is only available. Correct the number of dimensions.
3409 Point list is not specified. Pixel coordinate or robot coordinate is not specified as a continuous point data in VxCalib statement. Specify a continuous point data in the following format: P (start : end)
3410 Code type is not specified. CodeType property setting value is not specified in VSet statement. Refer to Vision Guide 8.0 Properties & Results Reference “CodeType Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3411 Edge type is not specified. EdgeType property setting value is not specified in VSet statement. Refer to Vision Guide 8.0 Properties & Results Reference “EdgeType Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3412 ECC type is not specified. ErrorCorrection property setting value is not specified in VSet statement. This error is for the old RC+6.x. Setting of the old version is possible by compiler version setting. Refer to Vision Guide Properties & Results Reference “ErrorCorrection Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3413 ImageColor type is not specified. ImageColor property setting value is not specified in VSet statement. Refer to Vision Guide 8.0 Properties & Results Reference “ImageColor Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3414 Point type is not specified. PointType property setting value is not specified in VSet statement. Refer to Vision Guide 8.0 Properties & Results Reference “PointType Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3415 Reference type is not specified. ReferenceType property setting value is not specified in VSet statement. Refer to Vision Guide 8.0 Properties & Results Reference “ReferenceType Property” and specify a proper setting value.
3416 Edge type is not specified. Logic (edge type) of the trigger input is not specified in SetLatch statement. Specify either 0 (negative logic) or 1 (positive logic).
3417 Port number is not specified. R-I/O input port number where the trigger input is connected is not specified in SetLatch statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “SetLatch Statement” and specify a proper port number.
3418 Axis is not specified. Axis parameter is not specified in Force_GetForce function or Force_SetTrigger statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “Force_GetForce Function” and specify a proper setting value.
3419 CompareType is not specified. ComapreType parameter to set judgment condition is not specified in Force_SetTrigger statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “Force_SetTrigger Statement” and specify a proper parameter.
3420 Integer or Short type array variable is only available. -
3421 Form name or window ID is not specified. Form name or system window ID which is subject to operation is not specified in GShow and GClose statements. Specify a valid form name or window ID. For details of window ID, refer to GUI Builder8.0 manual “GShow Statement”.
3422 Window ID is not specified. System window ID which is subject to operation is not specified in GShow and GClose statements. Refer to GUI Builder8.0 manual “GShow Statement” and specify a proper window ID.
3423 Performance mode ID was not specified. Performance mode is not specified in PerformMode parameter of PerformMode statement, Go, BGo, TGo, Jump statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “PerformMode” and specify a proper performance mode.
3424 Protocol type was not specified. Communication protocol setting is not specified in SetNet statement. Specify UDP or TCP.
3425 I/O type or I/O label was not specified. I/O type or I/O label is not specified in IODef function. Specify the I/O label or I/O type to check existence of definition. For details of I/O types, refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “IODef Function”.
3426 Singularity avoidance mode was not specified. Singularity avoidance mode is not specified in AvoidSingularity statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “AvoidSingularity Statement” and specify a proper mode.
3427 Acceleration value was not specified. Setting number of acceleration is not specified in AccelR function. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “AccelR Function” and specify a proper setting value.
3428 Acceleration value was not specified. Setting number of acceleration is not specified in Accel function, AccelMax function, AccelS function, and RealAccel function. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “Accel Function” and specify a proper number.
3429 Sorting order for work queue data was not specified. Sorting order for work queue data is not specified in WorkQue_Sort statement. Refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “WorkQue_Sort Statement” and specify a proper sorting order.
3430 Coordinate axes number was not specified. -
3431 Coordinate axes number was not specified. -

Point or point expression is not specified.

Review the program.

Reboot the controller.

Initialize the controller firmware.

Replace the controller.


Boolean type array variable was not specified.

Specify a Boolean type array variable.

Array which stores a value of Enabled or LPF_Enabled property must be a Boolean type array variable in FGet statement. Specify a Boolean array variable.

Real or Double type array variable was not specified.

Specify a Real or Double type array variable.

Real or Double type array variable is not specified in FGet or MPGet statement. Specify a real or double type array variable.

Integral type array variable was not specified.

Specify an Integral type array variable.

Array which stores a value of Polarities property must be an Integral type array variable in FGet statement. Specify an integral type array variable.
3436 Duration of FCKeep statement is not specified. Duration of force control (timeout value) is not specified in FCKeep statement. Specify a proper setting value.
Specify the duration.
3437 Part kind of controller was not specified. Specify the controller part type.
3438 Part kind of robot was not specified. Specify the robot part type.
3439 Part kind of robot was not specified. Specify the robot part type.

A value other than numerical value is specified for the parameter of the command.

Specify a numerical value.

Specify a numerical value for AIO_TrackingSet command 7th parameter.

A value other than numerical value is specified for the parameter of the command.

Specify a numerical value.

Specify a numerical value for AIO_TrackingSet command 6th parameter.

Force property name or status name is not specified.

Add a property name or a status name.

Force property name or status name is not specified in FSet, FGet, MPSet, and MPGet statements. Add a property name or a status name.

Force property name, status name, or object name is not specified.

Add either of a property name, status name, or object name.

Either of Force property name, status name, or object name is not specified in FSet, FGet, MPSet, and MPGet statements. Add either of a property name, status name, or object name.

Force object name is not specified.

Add a force object name.

Reboot the controller.

Initialize the controller firmware.

Replace the controller.


Mass Property Object is not specified.

Specify a Mass Property Object.

Specify a valid Mass Property object.

Force Coordinate System Object is not specified.

Specify a Force Coordinate System Object.

Specify a valid Force Coordinate System object.

Force Control Object is not specified.

Specify a Force Control Object.

Specify a valid Force Control object.

Force Monitor Object is not specified.

Specify a Force Monitor Object.

Specify a valid Force Monitor object.

Force Trigger Object is not specified.

Specify a Force Trigger Object.

Specify a valid Force Trigger object.

Force Control Object or Force Coordinate System Object is not specified.

Specify a Force Control Object or Force Coordinate System Object.

Force Control data or Force Coordinate System data is not specified in FCSMove statement. Specify a valid Force Control object or Force Coordinate System object.
3459 Force object is not specified. Specify a Force object.
3460 Force object label is not specified. Specify a Force object label.
3461 Force object or label is not specified. Specify a Force object or label.

Force Coordinate System Object or label is not specified.

Specify a Force Coordinate System Object or label.

Specify a valid Force Coordinate System object or label.
3463 Force Control Object or label is not specified. Specify a valid Force Control object or label.
Specify a Force Control Object or label.

Force Monitor Object or label is not specified.

Specify a Force Monitor Object or label.

Specify a valid Force Monitor object or label.

Force Trigger Object or label is not specified.

Specify a Force Trigger Object or label.

Specify a valid Force Trigger object or label.

Mass Property Object or label is not specified.

Specify a Mass Property Object or label.

Specify a valid Mass Property object or label.

Force Coordinate System Object or label is not specified.

Specify a Force Coordinate System Object or label.

Specify a valid Force Coordinate System object or label.

Force Control Object label is not specified.

Specify a Force Control Object label.

Specify a valid Force Control object label.

Force Monitor Object label is not specified.

Specify a Force Monitor Object label.

Specify a valid Force Monitor object label.

Force Trigger Object label is not specified.

Specify a Force Trigger Object label.

Specify a valid Force Trigger object label.

Force Sensor Object label is not specified.

Specify a Force Sensor Object label.

Specify a valid Force Sensor object label.

Mass Property Object label is not specified.

Specify a Mass Property Object label.

Specify a valid Mass Property object label.

Mass Property Object label is not specified.

Specify a Mass Property Object label.

Specify a valid Mass Property object label.

Fmag_Axes or Tmag_Axes property setting value is not specified.

Specify a proper setting value.

Fmag_Axes or Tmag_Axes property setting value is not specified in FSet statement. Refer to “Fmag_Axes property” or “Tmag_Axes property” and specify a proper setting value.

TriggerMode property setting value is not specified.

Specify a proper setting value.

TriggerMode property setting value is not specified in FSet statement. Refer to “TriggerMode property” and specify a proper setting value.

Operator property setting value is not specified.

Specify a proper setting value.

Operator property setting value is not specified in FSet statement. Refer to “Operator property” and specify a proper setting value.

Orientation property setting value is not specified.

Specify a proper setting value.

Orientation property setting value is not specified in FSet statement. Refer to “Orientation property” and specify a proper setting value.

Polarity property setting value is not specified.

Specify a proper setting value.

Fmag_Polarity, Fx_Polarity, Fy_Polarity, Fz_Polarity, Tmag_Polarity, Tx_Polarity, Ty_Polarity, and Tz_Polarity property setting value is not specified in FSet statement. Specify a proper setting value.

TillStopMode property setting value is not specified.

Specify a proper setting value.

TillStopMode property setting value is not specified in FSet statement. Refer to “TillStopMode property” and specify a proper setting value.
3500 #Duplicate macro in #define statement. Another macro with the same name has been defined. Change the macro name.
3501 Macro name was not specified. #Macro name is not specified in #define, #ifdef, #ifndef, and #undef statements. Add a macro name.
3502 #Include file name cannot be found. #Include file name is not specified in #include statement. Add a valid include file name.
3503 Specified include file is not in the project. The include file that is not registered in the project configuration is specified. Add the include file to the project configuration.
3504 Parameter of the macro function does not match the declaration. Check the number of parameters and correct the macro function.
3505 Macro has a circular reference. The macro has a circular reference. Correct the circular reference.
3506 #define, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #endif, #undef and variable declaration statements are only valid in an include file. Check and correct the content of include file.
3507 #Over #ifdef or #ifndef nesting level. Limit of the nesting levels is 7 at the maximum. Correct the program so as not to exceed the limit value.
3508 Cannot find corresponding #ifdef or #ifndef. #The number of #endif statements that correspond to #ifdef and #ifndef statements are too many. #Delete #endif statements or add the #ifdef and #ifndef statements.
3509 #No #endif found for #ifdef or #ifndef. #The number of #endif statements that correspond to #ifdef and #ifndef statements are not enough. #Add the #endif statements.
3510 Cannot obtain the macro buffer. -
3550 Parameter for the macro function was not specified. The macro declared as a macro function is called without argument. Correct the program.
3600 Tracking motion command cannot use Sense parameter. When the queue data is specified in Jump, Jump3, and Jump3CP statements, Sense parameter cannot be specified. Delete the Sense statement.

Parameter type is mismatch for the external function '**'.

Check all statements where this function is called in this file.

LJM parameter cannot be specified in BGo, TGo, Arc, Arc3, BMove, Move, and TMove statements. Delete the LJM parameter.
3602 The specified motion command cannot use LJM parameter. InReal function cannot be used with Wait statement. Correct the program.
3603 InReal function cannot be used with Wait statement. PerformMode parameter cannot be specified in Jump3, Jump3CP, Arc, Arc3, BMove, Move, and TMove statements. Delete the PerformMode parameter.
3605 The specified motion command cannot use PerformMode parameter. LJM parameter cannot be specified in BGo, TGo, Arc, Arc3, BMove, Move, and TMove statements. Delete the LJM parameter.
3606 Cannot use the index. Index number cannot be specified except List property in GSet and GGet statements. Correct the program.
3607 Invalid object index was specified. Invalid index is specified in Objects property of VSet and VGet statements. The index must be larger than 1 and smaller than the number of objects in the specified sequence. Specify a proper index.
3608 Invalid control index was specified. Invalid index is specified in Controls property of GSet and GGet statements. The index must be larger than 1 and smaller than the number of controls in the specified form. Specify a proper index.

Modifier parameters are duplicated.

Review the program.

Force Guide data or CF parameter is duplicated in CVMove, FCKeep or other statement for robot motion. Correct the program.
3610 Cannot use a keyword for a label name. Keywords such as a command or a function are used for a I/O label name or Point label name. Change the label name which does not use these keywords.
3611 Invalid sequence index was specified. Please review the sequence index.
3613 Too many files in the project. Reduce the number of files. Reduce the number of project files.
3614 You cannot specify a String for Declare return data type. Specify integer for Declare return data type other than a string. Also, if you want to require a string, specifie string integer as an argument, not return data type.
3733 Vision Sequence Name or Calibration Name was not specified. Vision sequence name or calibration name is not specified in VGet statements. Add a sequence name or calibration name.
3755 ToolType was not specified. Specify argument for ToolType.
3759 Monitoring Method was not specified. Specify Monitoring Method for argument.
3763 TOOL was not specified. Specify TOOL for argument.
3764 Kind was not specified. Specify the kind of correction for argument.
3765 Cnv was not specified. Specify "Cnv" for argument.
3766 Index was not specified. Specify index for argument.
3767 SLS number was not specified. Specify SLS number for argument.
3768 Index was not specified. Specify index for argument.
3800 Compile process aborted. -
3801 Link process aborted. -
3802 Compile process aborted. Compile errors reached the maximum count. Correct the error in the program and rebuild the project.
3803 Link process aborted. Link errors reached the maximum count. Correct the error in the program and rebuild the project.
3804 Specified command cannot be executed from the Command window. Declaration of variables and functions, program control statement, preprocessor commands, and some commands cannot be executed from the command window. For details, refer to SPEL+ Language Reference “Appendix A:SPEL+ Command Use Condition List”.
3805 Specified command can only be executed from the Command window. Brake, SysConfig, Where, Cnv_QueList, and WorlQue_List statements can only be executed from the command window. Delete these statements from the program.
3806 Specified function cannot be executed from the Command window. LogIn function cannot be executed from the command window even when used with Print statement. Use the function in the program.
3808 Specified syntax cannot be used in the current version.

LJM and PerformMode parameters of motion commands may not be specified depending on the compiler version.

LJM parameter: 6.0.x.x or later

PerformMode parameter: 8.0.4.x or later

Check the compiler version from the project property.

3809 Module variables cannot be used in the command window. Module variable cannot be accessed from the command window. Check the input command.
3812 Specified function cannot be used with a Remote User Output. Functions for condition expression of the user defined remote output are limited. Refer to Epson RC+8.0 User’s Guide “ User-defined Remote Output I/O” and specify a valid function.
3813 User defined label, function and variable cannot be used with a Remote User Output. User defined label, function and variable cannot be used with condition expression of the user-defined remote output. Correct the condition expression.
3814 Object code size is beyond the available size. A combination of multiple statements is exceeding the available size of the intermediate code which can be executed at once (1024 bytes). Divide the statements.

Parameter cannot be specified for property or status in the command window.

Delete the parameter and execute again.

When executing FGet or MPGet statement from a command window, a parameter cannot be specified to a property or status. Delete the parameter and execute again.
3850 File not found. -
3851 Point file not found. Failed to read the point file which configures the project. Check the project folder if the file exists.
3852 I/O label file not found. Failed to read the I/O label file which configures the project. Check the project folder if the file exists.
3853 User error label file not found. Failed to read the user error label file which configures the project. Check the project folder if the file exists.

Force file does not exist.

Check the project folder if the file exists.

Failed to read the force file which configures the project. Check the project folder if the file exists.
3860 I/O label file not supported format. Regenerate the I/O label file.
3861 User error label file has unsupported file format. Regenerate the user error file.
3862 Point file has unsupported file format. Regenerate the point file.
3863 Vision project file has unsupported file format. Regenerate the vision sequence.
3864 GUI Builder project file has unsupported file format. Regenerate the GUI Builder form.
3865 OBJ file not supported format. Rebuild the project.

Force file has unsupported file format.

Re-create the force file.

Regenerate the force file.

Cannot specify Mass Property Object.

Review the program.

Mass Property object cannot be specified in FSet, FGet, FDel, and FList statements, FDef, and FLabel$ functions. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Coordinate System Object.

Review the program.

Force coordinate system object cannot be specified in Go, BGo, TGo, Jump, Jump3, Mode, BMove, TMove, Arc, Arc3 statement, MPSet, MPGet, MPDel, MPList statement, and MPDef, MPLabel$ function. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Control Object.

Review the program.

Force control object cannot be specified in Go, BGo, TGo, Jump, Jump3 statement, and MPSet, MPGet MPDel, MPList statement, and MPDef, MPLabel$ function. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Monitor Object.

Review the program.

Force monitor object cannot be specified in MPSet, MPGet, MPDel, MPList statement, and MPDef, MPLable$ function. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Trigger Object.

Review the program.

Force trigger object cannot be specified in MPSet, MPGet, MPDel, MPList statement, and MPDef, MPLable$ function. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Sensor object.

Review the program.

Force Sensor object cannot be specified in FDel, FList statement, FDef, FLabel$ function, MPSet, MPGet, MPDel, MPList statement, and MPDef, MPLabel$ function. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Robot object.

Review the program.

Robot object cannot be specified in FDel, FList statement, FDef, FLabel$ function, MPSet, MPGet, MPDel, MPList statement, and MPDef, MPLabel$ function. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Control Object and Force Coordinate System Object at the same time.

Review the program.

Force control object and Force coordinate system object cannot be specified at the same time in FCSMove statement. Correct the program.

Cannot specify CF parameter.

Delete the CF parameter.

CF parameter cannot be specified in Go, BGo, TGo, Jump, Jump3. Delete the CF parameter.

Cannot specify Mass Property Object label.

Review the program.

Mass property object label cannot be specified in MPDel, and MPList statements. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Coordinate System Object label.

Review the program.

Force coordinate system object label cannot be specified in FDel and FList statements. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Control Object label.

Review the program.

Force control object label cannot be specified in FDel and FList statements. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Monitor Object label.

Review the program.

Force monitor object label cannot be specified in FDel and FList statements. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Trigger Object label.

Review the program.

Force trigger object label cannot be specified in FDel and FList statements. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Sensor Object label.

Review the program.

Reboot the controller.

Initialize the controller firmware.

Replace the controller.


Cannot specify Mass Property Object number.

Review the program.

Mass property object number cannot be specified in MPNumber function. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Coordinate System Object number.

Review the program.

Force coordinate system object number cannot be specified in FNumber function. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Control Object number.

Review the program.

Force control object number cannot be specified in FNumber function. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Monitor Object number.

Review the program.

Force monitor object number cannot be specified in FNumber function. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Trigger Object number.

Review the program.

Force trigger object number cannot be specified in FNumber function. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Sensor Object number.

Review the program.


Type of the specified two objects does not match.

Specify the same type of the objects.

The data type of the first and the second parameter does not match in FDel, FList, MPDel, MPList statements. Correct the program.

Cannot specify Force Motion Restriction Object label.

Review the program.

The label of force motion restriction object can not be specified in FDel, FList statement. Correct the program.
3900 Cannot obtain the internal communication buffer. -
3901 Buffer size is not enough.
3910 Undefined command was specified. -
3911 Cannot enter the file name in the file name buffer. -
3912 Cannot obtain the internal buffer. -
3913 Cannot set priority. Reboot the controller.
3914 Invalid ICode. Rebuild the project.
3915 Invalid ICode. Rebuild the project.
3916 Invalid ICode. Rebuild the project.
3917 Invalid ICode. Rebuild the project.
3918 Invalid ICode. Rebuild the project.
3919 Invalid ICode. Rebuild the project.
3920 Invalid ICode. Rebuild the project.
3921 Invalid ICode. Rebuild the project.
3930 VDefTool Type ID is not specified. Specify a numerical value for VDefTool command 2nd parameter.
3931 VDefArm Type ID is not specified. Specify a numerical value for VDefArm command 2nd parameter.
3932 VDefArm ArmSetMode is not specified. Specify a numerical value for VDefArm command 3rd parameter.
3933 VDefLocal Type ID is not specified. Specify a numerical value for VDefLocal command 2nd parameter.
3934 VDefLocal CalibPlate Type ID is not specified. Specify a numerical value for VDefLocal command 3rd parameter.
3940 LatchPos Type ID is not specified. Specify a numerical value for LatchPos command 1st parameter.
3945 Feeder Name was not specified.

Command syntax is not correct.

Check the description of the command in Part Feeding 8.0 Introduction & Hardware (Common) & Software Software Part 3: Feeding SPEL+ Command Reference" and modify the code.

3946 Object ID was not specified.

Command syntax is not correct.

Check the description of the command in Part Feeding 8.0 Introduction & Hardware (Common) & Software Software Part 3: Feeding SPEL+ Command Reference" and modify the code.

3947 Property ID was not specified.

Command syntax is not correct.

Check the description of the command in Part Feeding 8.0 Introduction & Hardware (Common) & Software Software Part 3: Feeding SPEL+ Command Reference" and modify the code.

3948 Property ID was not specified.

Command syntax is not correct.

Check the description of the command in Part Feeding 8.0 Introduction & Hardware (Common) & Software Software Part 3: Feeding SPEL+ Command Reference" and modify the code.

3949 PartOrient was not specified.

Command syntax is not correct.

Check the description of the command in Part Feeding 8.0 Introduction & Hardware (Common) & Software Software Part 3: Feeding SPEL+ Command Reference" and modify the code.

3960 Neither Robot, Object nor ResetCollision were specified.
3961 Neither Hand nor Property were specified.
3962 Invalid Property was specified.
3963 Neither Robot nor Object were specified.
3964 Invalid Object was specified.
3965 Invalid Object index was specified.
3990 Analog I/O TCPSpeed Type is not specified. Specify a numerical value for AIO_Set command 3rd parameter.