Code Number 1000 ~

No. Message Remedy Note 1 Note 2

Operation Failure.

Command parameter is invalid.

1002 Requested data cannot be accessed. The data is not set up or the range is invalid. Check whether the target I/O, variables, and tasks exist.
1003 The password is invalid Enter the correct password.
1004 Cannot execute with unsupported version. Use the correct version file.
1005 Cannot execute with invalid serial number. Use the backup data for the same controller to restore the controller configuration.
1006 Cannot execute with invalid Robot model. Use the backup data for the same controller to restore the controller configuration.
1007 Cannot execute with invalid Controller. Use the supported installer.

Initialization failure.

Failed to initialize TP.

Reconnect the TP.

If it still does not work, please contact the supplier of your region.


Remote setup error.

Cannot assign R-IO input number to remote input.

Specify the input number excluding the R-IO input number.

Remote setup error.

Cannot assign a bit number which does not exist to a remote I/O signal.

Check the fieldbus slave size.

Check the fieldbus slave size.

Remote setup error.

Cannot assign a bit number which does not exist to a remote I/O signal.

Check the fieldbus master size.

Check the fieldbus master size.

Fieldbus slave failure.

Cannot change the size because it currently includes a remote I/O signal.


Fieldbus master failure.

Cannot change the size because it currently includes a remote I/O signal.

1015 Remote setup error. Cannot assign Hand-IO input/output number to remote input. -

Remote setup error.

Cannot change assignment because PLC vendor type is set.

Set PLC Vendor to "None".
1020 Cannot execute in recovery mode. Boot the controller as normal.
1021 Cannot execute due to controller initialization failure. Restore the controller configuration.
1022 Cannot execute without the project being open.

1. Open a project.

2. Build the project.

1023 Cannot execute while the project is open. Rebuild the project.
1024 Cannot activate from remote. Enable the remote input.
1025 Execution in Teach mode is prohibited. Change to the AUTO mode.
1026 Cannot execute in Teach mode except from TP. Change to the AUTO mode.
1027 Cannot execute in Auto mode. Change to the Program mode.
1028 Cannot execute in Auto mode except from the main console. Change to the Program mode.
1029 Cannot execute from OP. Enable the OP input.
1030 Does not allow Operation mode to be changed. Change to the Auto mode with a console in the Program mode.
1031 Cannot execute while tasks are executing. Stop the task and then execute.
1032 Cannot execute while the maximum number of tasks are executing. Stop the task and then execute.
1033 Cannot execute during asynchronous motion command. Execute after the motion ends.
1034 Asynchronous command stopped during operation. The asynchronous command already stopped when the controller received a stop command.
1035 Cannot execute when Remote I/O enabled except from the remote device. The command cannot be executed by the console except the remote I/O when AutoMode output of the remote I/O is ON.
1037 Cannot execute when Remote Ethernet enabled except from the remote Ethernet device. The command cannot be executed by the console except the remote Ethernet when Auto flag of the remote Ethernet is ON.
1039 Execution is prohibited.

Prohibited command was executed while executing the program.

Stop the program, and then execute the command.

1040 Cannot execute in Remote RS232C enable except from the Remote RS232C.

Execute from remote RS232 or set the control device other than Remote RS232.

(RC+ User’s Guide [System Configuration] Command (Setup Menu)

- [Setup]-[System Configuration] - [Controller]-[Configuration] Page)

1041 Cannot execute during Emergency Stop status. Cancel the Emergency Stop status.
1042 Cannot execute while the safeguard is open. Close the safeguard.
1043 Cannot execute during error condition. Cancel the error condition.
1044 Cannot execute when the remote pause input is ON. Change the remote pause input to OFF.
1045 Input waiting condition is the only available condition to input. The controller received an input while it was not in the Input waiting condition.
1046 Cannot execute during file transfer. Execute after the file transmission.
1047 Cannot cancel the command executed from other devices. Cancel the motion command from the device the command was issued from.
1048 Cannot execute after low voltage was detected. Reboot the controller.
1049 Other devices are in program mode. Check connection of other devices.
1050 Password is too long. Enter the password that is less than 16 characters.
1051 Export Controller Status failed.

1. Retry using the same USB memory.

2. Retry using another USB memory.

3. Retry after rebooting the controller.

1052 Export Controller Status busy. Execute the command after completing the controller status backup.
1053 Execution in Test mode is prohibited Execute in other modes.
1054 Cannot execute in TEST mode except from TP. -
1055 Cannot execute the Background Task.

Confirm that no background task is running.

Rebuild the project.

1056 Cannot execute from TP. Enable the TP input.
1057 Cannot execute when TP3 enabled except from the TP3. The command cannot be executed from other consoles when TP3 is enabled.
1058 Cannot execute excluding T2 mode. Switch to [Teach/T2] key.
1059 Cannot change to T2 mode. T2 mode cannot be used on RC700-A, RC700-D Controllers complying with UL standards.

File failure.

Cannot access the file.

1. Reboot the controller.

2. Reinstall the firmware.

3. Replace the CF.


File failure.

Read and write failure of the registry

1. Reboot the controller.

2. Replace the CF.

1103 File is not found. Check whether the file exists.
1104 Project file was not found. Rebuild the project.
1105 Object file was not found. Rebuild the project.
1106 Point files were not found. Rebuild the project.
1107 The program is using a feature that is not supported by the current controller firmware version. Check the compiler version in the Epson RC+ 8.0-[Project]-[Properties]-[Compiler].
1108 One or more source files are updated. Please build the project. Rebuild the project.
1109 Not enough storage capacity. Increase free space of the USB memory.
1110 File is not found. -
1111 Conveyor file was not found. -

Force files were not found.

Rebuild the project.

Rebuild the project.
1114 Cannot create the project in the controller.

There is a possibility that the folder is full or the project name is duplicated.

Check it by the application selection.


File failure.

Setting file is corrupt.

Restore the controller configuration.

File failure.

Project file is corrupt.

Rebuild the project.

File failure.

Point file is corrupt.

Rebuild the project.

File failure.

I/O label file is corrupt.

Rebuild the project.

File failure.

User error file is corrupt.

Rebuild the project.

File failure.

Error message file is corrupt.

Please contact the supplier of your region.

File failure.

Software option information is corrupt.

1. Reboot the controller.

2. Reinstall the firmware.

3. Reconfigure the option.


File failure.

Vision file is corrupt.

Rebuild the project.

File failure.

Backup information file is corrupt.

The specified backup information cannot be restored.

Acquire the backup information again, and then restore the file.


Error message failure.

No item is found in the error history.

No error history exists.

Reboot the controller.

1131 Cannot access the USB memory. Insert the USB memory properly. When this error still occurs after the USB memory is inserted properly, the memory may be unrecognizable to controller. Insert another memory to check the operation.

File failure.

Failed to copy the file.


File failure.

Failed to delete the file.


File failure.

GUI Builder file is corrupt.

Rebuild the project.

File failure.

Force Guide file is corrupt.

Rebuild the project.
1139 File failure. Part Feeding file is corrupt. Vision Feeder file (.pt) is corrupted. Search a [Project Name].pf file in project folder and delete it. Then, register the Part again.

File failure.

Failed to open the object file.

Rebuild the project.

File failure.

Failed to open the project file.

Rebuild the project.

File failure.

Failed to read the project file.

Rebuild the project.

File failure.

Failed to open the condition save file.

1. Retry using the same USB memory.

2. Retry using another USB memory.

3. Retry after rebooting the controller.


File failure.

Failed to write the condition save file.

1. Retry using the same USB memory.

2. Retry using another USB memory.

3. Retry after rebooting the controller.


File failure.

Failed to open the conveyor file.

Rebuild the project.

File failure.

Failed to read the conveyor file.

Rebuild the project.

File failure.

Error history is invalid.

1. Reboot the controller.

2. Replace the CF.


File failure.

Failed to map the error history.

1. Reboot the controller.

2. Replace the CF.


File failure.

Failed to open the error history file.

1. Reboot the controller.

2. Replace the CF.


File failure.

Failed to write the error history file.

1. Reboot the controller.

2. Replace the CF.


File failure.

Failed to open the settings file.

Restore the controller configuration.

File failure.

Failed to save the settings file.

Restore the controller configuration.

File failure.

Failed to read the settings file.

Restore the controller configuration.

File failure.

Failed to write the settings file.

Restore the controller configuration.

MCD failure.

Failed to open the MCD file.

Restore the controller configuration.

MCD failure.

Failed to read the MCD file.

Restore the controller configuration.

MCD failure.

Failed to write the MCD file.

Please contact the supplier of your region.

MPD failure.

Failed to open the MPD file.


MPD failure.

Failed to read the MPD file.


MPD failure.

Failed to write the MPD file.

Please contact the supplier of your region.

MPD failure.

Failed to save the MPD file.


MPL failure.

Failed to open the MPL file.

1. Reboot the controller.

2. Reinstall the firmware.


MPL failure.

Failed to read the MPL file.

Please contact the supplier of your region.

MPL failure.

Failed to write the MPL file.

Please contact the supplier of your region.

MPL failure.

Failed to save the MPL file.

Please contact the supplier of your region.

MAL failure.

Failed to open the MAL file.

Please contact the supplier of your region.

MAL failure.

Failed to read the MAL file.

Please contact the supplier of your region.

MAL failure.

Failed to write the MAL file.

Please contact the supplier of your region.

MAL failure.

Failed to save the MAL file.

Please contact the supplier of your region.

MTR failure.

Failed to create the MTR file.

Please contact the supplier of your region.

PRM failure.

Failed to replace the PRM file.

1. Reboot the controller.

2. Reconfigure the robot.


PRM failure.

The PRM file was created by a newer version. Update the controller firmware.

Update the controller firmware.

MCD failure.

The MCD file was created by a newer version. Update the controller firmware.

Update the controller firmware.
1184 Could not restore due to the large number of backup data files. Reduce the number of project data files and back up again.

File failure.

Failed to open the backup information file.


File failure.

Failed to read the backup information file.


File failure.

Failed to write the backup information file.


File failure.

Failed to save the backup information file.

1189 The backup data was created by an old version. Cannot restore the controller configuration in the specified procedure for using old backup data. Check the backup data.
1190 The backup data was created by a newer version. -
1191 There is no project in the backup data. -
1192 Cannot execute with invalid robot number. Check that the Backup data is same as current robot number.
1193 Cannot execute with invalid robot information. Check that the Backup data is same as current robot number.
1194 Cannot execute with invalid drive unit number. -
1195 File failure. Failed to map the health history file. Reboot the controller. - -
1196 File failure. Failed to open the health history file. Reboot the controller. - -
1197 File failure. Failed to write the health history file. Reboot the controller. - -

Restore failure.

The project is invalid. Restore the project together if restoring Vision hardware configuration.

Restore the project together if restoring Vision hardware configuration.
1200 Compile failure. Check the compile message. This error occurs during compilation from TP. Correct where the error occurred.
1201 Link failure. Check the link message. This error occurs during compilation from TP. Correct where the error occurred.

User Outputs failure.

The Name is empty.


User Outputs failure.

The Condition is empty.


User Outputs failure.

Robot number is out of the available range.


Alarm Setting failure.

Robot does not exist.


Alarm Setting failure.

Failed to get the expiration date.


Alarm Setting failure.

Failed to set the alarm.


Alarm Setting failure.

Specified alarm number is out of the allowable range.


Alarm Setting failure.

Specified alarm number is not enabled.

1270 Feeder settings is invalid. Change feeder setting of Part Feeder.

Feeder type is incorrect. It occurs when restoring a controller backup, if the feeder configuration has been changed.

Once remove and register feeder settings in "Epson RC+ 8.0 - Menu - Setup - System Settings".

1271 Failed to open/close communication port of feeder. Please confirm connection of feeder.

Cannot connect to the feeder.

Check that the Ethernet connection between the feeder and the Controller is functioning normally (have cables become disconnected, is there a hub failure or a lack of power supply to the hub, etc.).

Check the power supply to the feeder.

Check that feeder network settings (IP Address, IP Mask, Port) are correct.

1272 Failed to initialize feeder output port. Please confirm connection of feeder.

Cannot connect to the feeder.

Check that the Ethernet connection between the feeder and the Controller is functioning normally (have cables become disconnected, is there a hub failure or a lack of power supply to the hub, etc.).

Check the power supply to the feeder.

Check that feeder network settings (IP Address, IP Mask, Port) are correct.

1273 Failed to change feeder parameter. Please confirm connection of feeder.

Cannot connect to the feeder.

Check that the Ethernet connection between the feeder and the Controller is functioning normally (have cables become disconnected, is there a hub failure or a lack of power supply to the hub, etc.).

Check the power supply to the feeder.

Check that feeder network settings (IP Address, IP Mask, Port) are correct.


Force monitor number is out of the allowable range.

Reboot the controller.

Reboot the controller.

Initialize the controller firmware.

Replace the controller.


The force monitor is already used on another device.

Close the force monitor on another device, and then run the force monitor.

Check whether another PC is using the force monitor.
1292 Failed to set/load information of FG sequence and object.
1400 Force Guide file error.
1401 Invalid Force Guide file path.
1402 Failed to open Force Guide file.
1403 Do not open Force Guide file.
1404 Invalid Force Guide sequence number.
1405 Invalid Force Guide object number.
1406 Invalid Force Guide sequence property.
1407 Invalid Force Guide object property.
1408 Invalid Force Guide object type.
1409 Invalid parameter.
1410 Invalid Force Guide file version.

Force Guide Incorrect property is existing.

Confirm the property.

Confirm the Force Guide property.

Cannot set Decision object to top of Force Guide sequence.

Confirm Force Guide sequence.

Cannot set Decision object to top of a sequence.

Confirm Force Guide sequence.


Specified Force Guide object as ConditionObject is disabled.

Confirm the settings.

Confirm the settings of Force Guide object.
1414 Failed to open Part Feeding file.

Cannnot open Vision Feeder file (.pt).

Check if the file is opened with other software.

Vision Feeder file (.pt) is corrupted.

Search a [Project Name].pf file in project folder and delete it. Then, register the Part again.


Failed to convert program.

Execute rebuild.


Initialization failure.

Cannot allocate memory.


Finalization failure.

Failed to finalization of controller.

1423 Invalid conversion file path.
1424 Invalid Prg file path.
1425 Invalid Command file path.
1426 Invalid conversion file.
1427 Invalid Command file. Update from Ver. or earlier to Ver7.4.0.2 or later may fail. Reinstall the firmware.

Failed to execute conversion of program.

Execute rebuild.

Rebuild the project.
1429 Failed to write Prg file.
1500 Communication error. -
1501 Command did not complete in time. Execute the command again after a while. Check the connection between the Epson RC+8.0 and controller.

Communication disconnection between RC+ and Controller.

Re-establish communication.

Check the connection between the Epson RC+8.0 and controller.

1: Communication timeout

2: USB cable disconnection

3: USB reception failure

4: USB communication shutdown

1503 Disconnection while executing a task. Check the connection between the console device and controller.

Communication disconnection between Remote Ethernet and Controller.

Re-establish communication.

Check the connection between the Remote Ethernet device and controller.

Communication disconnection between Remote RS232 and Controller.

Re-establish communication.

Check the connection between the Remote RS232 device and controller.

Communication disconnection between TP and Controller.

Re-establish communication.

Check the connection between TP and controller.
1510 Out of IP Address range. Check the IP address setting of the controller.
1511 Reserved IP Address. The IP address is reserved. Set the other IP address.
1512 Reserved IP Gateway. The gateway address is reserved. Set the other gateway address.
1513 The setting conditions of global address do not match. Set the password.

The connection parameters or password are invalid.

Check the parameters and the password.

Check the parameters and the password.

Vision communication.

Failed to initialize Ethernet.

Reboot the controller.

Vision communication.

Failed to terminate Ethernet.


Vision communication.

Failed to create the socket handle.

Reboot the controller.

Vision communication.

Failed to connect.

Check the connection between the camera and controller.

Vision communication.

Failed to send to the server.

Check the connection between the camera and controller.

Vision communication.

Failed to read from the server.

Check the connection between the camera and controller.

Vision communication.

Failed to set option.


Vision communication.

Ethernet has not been initialized yet.

Reboot the controller.

Vision communication.

Connection is not completed.

Check the connection between the camera and controller.

Vision communication.

All sockets are used.


Vision communication.

Sending time-out.

Check the connection between the camera and controller.

Vision communication.

Receiving time-out.

Check the connection between the camera and controller.

Vision communication.

Communication error.

Check the connection between the camera and controller.

Communication failure.

Ethernet initialization error.

Reboot the controller. Check the connection of the Ethernet cable.

Communication failure.

USB initialization error.

Reboot the controller.

Check the connection of the USB cable.


Communication failure.

Controller internal communication error.

Reboot the controller.

Communication failure.

Invalid data is detected.

1555 Ethernet transmission error. Check the connection between the Epson RC+8.0 and controller.
1556 Ethernet reception error.

Check the connection between the Epson RC+8.0 and controller.

If the router is used between the PC and controller, confirm that the DHCP function is disabled.

1557 USB transmission error. Check the connection between the Epson RC+8.0 and controller.
1558 USB reception error. Check the connection between the Epson RC+8.0 and controller.

Communication failure.

Failed to allocate memory


Parser communication failure.

Communication error.

1. Reboot the controller.

2. Upgrade the firmware.


Parser communication failure.

Time-out occurred during communication.

1. Reboot the controller.

2. Reinstall the firmware.


Parser communication failure.

Transmission error.

Reboot the controller.

Rebuild the project.


Parser communication failure.

Initialization error.

Reboot the controller.

Parser communication failure.

Connection error.

Reboot the controller.

Parser communication failure.

Parameter is invalid.

Reboot the controller.

Rebuild the project.


Parser communication failure.



Parser communication failure.

Invalid data is detected.

Upgrade the firmware.

TP Communication failure.

Ethernet initialization error.

Check the connection between TP and Controller.

TP Communication failure.

Invalid data is detected.

Check the connection between TP and Controller.

TP Communication failure.

Ethernet transmission error.

Check the connection between TP and Controller.

TP Communication failure.

Ethernet reception error.

Check the connection between TP and Controller.

Initialization failure.

Failed to initialize TP.


Initialization failure.

Failed to initialize TP.


Initialization failure.

Failed to initialize TP.


File failure.

Failed to read the screen data file.

1704 Failed to read the setting file. -
1706 Failed to open the TP port. -
1708 Failed to read the key table for TP. -
1709 Failed to change the language. -
1710 Failed to display the screen. -
1800 The controller is already connected to RC+. Only one RC+ 8.0 can be connected to the controller.
1802 The command was attempted without being connected to a controller. Connect to the controller.
1803 Failed to read or write the file on the PC. -

Initialization failure.

Failed to allocate memory on the PC.


Connection failure.

Check the controller startup and connection of the communication cable.

1806 Timeout during connection via Ethernet. -
1807 Timeout during connection via USB. -
1808 USB driver is not installed. Failed to install Epson RC+ 8.0. Install Epson RC+ 8.0 again.

Initialization failure.

Failed to initialize PC daemon.

Reboot the System.
1810 PC daemon error.

1. Reboot the Epson RC+8.0.

2. Reboot the PC.


Connection failure.

The connected controller is not supported.

Please use EPSON RC+ 5.0.

Connected controller is RC180 or RC90 compatible with EPSON RC+ 5.0.

Check the connection between the PC and controller.



Unsupported command was attempted.

Review the contents of the SPEL program.

Rebuild the project.

1852 System error.

1. Reboot the Epson RC+8.0.

2. Reboot the PC.

3. Reinstall the Epson RC+ 8.0.


Initialization failure.

Failed to initialize SimulatorMNG.

1. Reboot the Epson RC+ 8.0.

2. Reboot the PC.

3. Reinstall the Epson RC+ 8.0.


Initialization failure.

Failed to initialize WBProxy.

1. Reboot the Epson RC+ 8.0.

2. Reboot the PC.

3. Reinstall the Epson RC+ 8.0.

1863 The parameter is invalid. -

Initialization failure.

Virtual controller does not exist.

Installation of the Epson RC+ 8.0 failed.

Reinstall the software.


Initialization failure.

Failed to start virtual controller.

1. Retry after a while.

2. Reboot the PC.


Termination failure.

Failed to terminate virtual controller.

Restart Windows.
1867 Cannot execute because it is not dry run mode.

Dry run mode is invalid.

Enable the dry run.


Initialization failure.

Directory cannot be found.

Installation of the Epson RC+ 8.0 failed.

Reinstall the software.


Connection failure.

Files for simulator that used real controller cannot be found.


Connection failure.

Files for simulator that used virtual controller cannot be found.

1874 Virtual Controller cannot be added.

Installation of the Epson RC+ 8.0 failed.

Reinstall the software.


Simulator Object failure.

Cannot load data for the simulator object.


Simulator Object failure.

Cannot read data for the simulator object.


Simulator Object failure.

Cannot remove data from the simulator object.


Simulator Object failure.

Cannot update data for the simulator object.

1879 Other virtual controllers are starting.

Other virtual controllers may be used in the EPSON RC+ 5.0.

Or, the virtual controller may be already used in another Epson RC+8.0.

1880 Cannot execute during controller reset. -


Unsupported command was attempted.

Update the firmware.


Unsupported parameter was specified.

1903 System error. -
1904 Could not restore due to the large size of the backup data. Reduce the number of project data files and back up again.

System error.

Failed to write the reboot file.

1920 USB connection failed. -