Arc, Arc3 Statement

Arc moves the robot in a circular interpolation motion in the XY plane with force control active.
Arc3 moves the robot in a circular interpolation motion in 3 dimensions with the force control active.

Arc Point1, Point2 [FC#] [ROT] [ CP ] [CF] [Till | Find] [!parallel processing!] [SYNC]
Arc Point2, radius, way, direction [FC#] [ROT] [ CP ] [CF] [Till | Find] [!parallel processing!] [SYNC] *
Arc Point2, angle [FC#] [ROT] [ CP ] [CF] [Till | Find] [!parallel processing!] [SYNC] *
Arc Point2, Point3, way [FC#] [ROT] [ CP ] [CF] [Till | Find] [!parallel processing!] [SYNC] *
Arc3 Point1, Point2 [FC#] [ROT] [ CP ] [CF] [Till | Find] [!parallel processing!] [SYNC]
Arc3 Point2, Point3, way [FC#] [ROT] [ CP ] [CF] [Till | Find] [!parallel processing!] [SYNC] *

  • Point1
    Specifies the point data defining the through position of the motion.
  • Point2
    Specified the point data defining the target position of the motion.
  • Point3*
    Specifies the point data defining the center position of the motion.
  • radius*
    Specifies the radius of a circular motion as a real number or an expression (unit: mm).
  • way*
    Specifies whether the circle will take the short path or the long path from the current position to the target coordinates.
  • direction*
    Specifies the rotation direction for the circular motion.
  • angle*
    Specifies the rotational angle of a circular motion as a real number or an expression (unit: degrees).
  • FC#
    Specifies the force control object.
  • CF
    Continues the force control function. Can be omitted.

* Supported only on the RC800 series


Constant name Values Description
ARC_SHORT 0 Takes the short path
ARC_LONG 1 Takes the long path


Constant name Values Description
ARC_PLUS 1 Rotates counterclockwise in the Z axis direction relative to the XY plane of the base coordinate system
ARC_MINUS -1 Rotates clockwise in the Z axis direction relative to the XY plane of the base coordinate system

Detailed Explanation
By adding a force control object as a parameter to a normal Arc or Arc3, an Arc or Arc3 motion is carried out with the force control function active.

For Arc and Arc3 motion details, refer to the following manual.
“Epson RC+ 8.0 SPEL+ Language Reference” Arc, Arc3

For details on the force control function, see below.
Move Statement

Usage Example
This is an example of a simple program which executes an Arc motion with the force control function active.
In this example, the Arc is executed in the X axis direction of the tool coordinate system with the force control function active.

Function ForceArcTest
  FSet FCS1.Orientation, FG_TOOL   ' Sets the force coordinate data
  FSet FC1.CoordinateSystem, FCS1  ' Specifies the force coordinate data
  FSet FC1.Fx_Spring, 0            ' Sets the virtual Fx coefficient of elasticity
  FSet FC1.Fx_Damper, 1            ' Sets the virtual Fx coefficient of viscosity
  FSet FC1.Fx_Mass, 10             ' Sets the virtual Fx coefficient of inertia
  FSet FC1.Fx_Enabled, True        ' Sets the Fx force control function to active
  Arc P0,P1 FC1                    ' Executes an Arc motion with the force control ' function active

See Also
Arc, Arc3, Move, Force Control Object FC#