GravityDirection Property

Robot Object Robot

Sets or returns the direction of gravity for the robot.

FGet Robot.GravityDirection, rArray()
FSet Robot.GravityDirection, rValueX, rValueY, rValueZ

  • rArray()
    The maximum number of elements to define the value of the property is an array of 3 or more real number variables

  • rValueX
    A real number or formula defining the new value of the property.

  • rValueY
    A real number or formula defining the new value of the property.

  • rValueZ
    A real number or formula defining the new value of the property.


Element number Element number constant Description
0 FG_X X component of gravitational vector
1 FG_Y Y component of gravitational vector
2 FG_Z Z component of gravitational vector

rValueX, rValueY, rValueZ

Minimum -1
Maximum 1

Default: (rValueX, rValueY, rValueZ) = (0, 0, -1)

NOTE: Should (rValueX, rValueY, rValueZ) = (0, 0, 0), an error will occur.

Detailed Explanation
This sets or returns the orientation of the vector of gravitational acceleration in the base coordinate system.
Set the direction of gravity only.
  rValueX2 + rValueY2 + rValueZ2 = 1
The settings described above are recommended.
Should the settings of (rValueX, rValueY, rValueZ) = (0, 0, 0), the direction of gravity will not be fixed, so an error will occur.

Usage Example
This example sets the direction of gravity and the Mass Property Object, and carries out a motion with the force control function active.

> FSet Robot.GravityDirection, 0, 0, -1
> MPSet MP1.GravityCenter, 10, 10, 100
> MPSet MP1.Mass, 2
> MP 1
> Move CurPos +TLW(10) FC1 ROT

See Also
Robot Object Robot