System Configuration Example

I/O Port Pin Assignments

The I/O terminal for the hand can be connected to the I/O port corresponding to the robot controller indicated in the table below.

Controller Available I/O port Output polarity Remarks
RC700 series Standard I/O NPN and PNP -
Extended I/O NPN or PNP Can be connected when installing an extended I/O board (option)
RC700DU series Standard I/O NPN and PNP -
RC800 series Standard I/O NPN and PNP -
Extended I/O NPN or PNP Can be connected when installing an extended I/O board (option)
RC90 series Standard I/O NPN and PNP -
Extended I/O NPN or PNP Can be connected when installing an extended I/O board (option)
T series Standard I/O NPN and PNP -
Hand I/O NPN and PNP 24V DC power can also be supplied
VT series Standard I/O NPN and PNP -


  • The following I/O port has two types of connection: a plus common and a minus common connection.

    • Extended I/O board (option) output

    These are factory settings. Users cannot change the output polarity. Check that the I/O output type matches the external connection device before wiring. Wiring the wrong output type will damage the circuit board components and prevent the robot system from functioning properly.
    For details, refer to the following manuals.
    "RC700 Series Manual - Functions - Expansion I/O Board"
    "RC700-D Manual - Functions - Expansion I/O Board"
    "RC700-E Manual - Expansion I/O Boards"
    "RC800-A Manual - Expansion I/O Boards"
    "RC90 Series Manual - Functions - Expansion I/O Board"

  • When wiring the I/O port, take sufficient safety precautions to prevent excess current to ensure that connections are suitable for user's operating environment.

  • Use Plus Common (PNP) to prevent the load from operating unintentionally if the wiring between the controller and the load is grounded fault. This conforms to European Machinery Directives.


A nonpolar PhotoMOS relay is used for the following controllers, and the output circuit of the manipulator. Either plus common (PNP) or minus common (NPN) wiring can be used.

  • RC700 series
  • RC800 series
  • RC90 series
  • T series
  • VT series

RC700 series, RC800 series, RC90 series, VT (Protection model) series Standard I/O Pin Assignments

Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name
1 Input common No.0 to 7 18 Input common No.8 to 15 34 Input common No.16 to 23
2 Input No.0 19 Input No.8 35 Input No.16
3 Input No.1 20 Input No.9 36 Input No.17
4 Input No.2 21 Input No.10 37 Input No.18
5 Input No.3 22 Input No.11 38 Input No.19
6 Input No.4 23 Input No.12 39 Input No.20
7 Input No.5 24 Input No.13 40 Input No.21
8 Input No.6 25 Input No.14 41 Input No.22
9 Input No.7 26 Input No.15 42 Input No.23
10 Output No.0 27 Output No.6 43 Output No.11
11 Output No.1 28 Output No.7 44 Output No.12
12 Output No.2 29 Output No.8 45 Output No.13
13 Output No.3 30 Output No.9 46 Output No.14
14 Output No.4 31 Output No.10 47 Output No.15
15 Output No.5 32 Not Used 48 Not Used
16 Not Used 33 Output common No.8 to 15 49 Not Used
17 Output common No.0 to 7 - - 50 Not Used

T series Pin Assignments

Input port

Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name
1 Input No.0 15 Input No.1
2 Input No.2 16 Input No.3
3 Input No.4 17 Input No.5
4 Input No.6 18 Input No.7
5 Input common No.0 to 7 19 Input common No.8 to 15
6 Input No.8 20 Input No.9
7 Input No.10 21 Input No.11
8 Input No.12 22 Input No.13
9 Input No.14 23 Input No.15
10 Input No.16 24 Input No.17
11 Not Used 25 Not Used
12 Not Used 26 Not Used
13 Not Used 27 Not Used
14 Input common No.16 to 17 28 Not Used

Output port

Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name
1 Output No.0 10 Output No.1
2 Output No.2 11 Output No.3
3 Output No.4 12 Output No.5
4 Output No.6 13 Output No.7
5 Output common No.0 to 7 14 Output common No.8 to 11
6 Output No.8 15 Output No.9
7 Output No.10 16 Output No.11
8 Not Used 17 Not Used
9 Not Used 18 Not Used

Hand I/O port

Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name
1 Input No.18 9 Input No.19
2 Input No.20 10 Input No.21
3 Input No.22 11 Input No.23
4 Input common No.18 to 23 12 Not Used
5 +24V 13 GND
6 Output No.12 14 Output No.13
7 Output No.14 15 Output No.15
8 Output common No.12 to 15

VT series (Standard model, cleanroom model) Pin Assignments

Input port

Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name
1 Input No.0 15 Input No.1
2 Input No.2 16 Input No.3
3 Input No.4 17 Input No.5
4 Input No.6 18 Input No.7
5 Input common No.0 to 7 19 Input common No.8 to 15
6 Input No.8 20 Input No.9
7 Input No.10 21 Input No.11
8 Input No.12 22 Input No.13
9 Input No.14 23 Input No.15
10 Input No.16 24 Input No.17
11 Input No.18 25 Input No.19
12 Input No.20 26 Input No.21
13 Input No.22 27 Input No.23
14 Input common No.16 to 23 28 Not Used

Output port

Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name
1 Output No.0 10 Output No.1
2 Output No.2 11 Output No.3
3 Output No.4 12 Output No.5
4 Output No.6 13 Output No.7
5 Output common No.0 to 7 14 Output common No.8 to 15
6 Output No.8 15 Output No.9
7 Output No.10 16 Output No.11
8 Output No.12 17 Output No.13
9 Output No.14 18 Output No.15

For more information, refer to the following manuals.
"RC700 Series Manual - Functions - I/O Connector - Expansion I/O Board"
"RC700-D Manual - Functions - I/O Connector - Expansion I/O Board"
"RC700-E Manual - I/O Connector, Expansion I/O Boards"
"RC800-A Manual - I/O Connector, Expansion I/O Boards"
"RC90 Series Manual - Functions - I/O Connector - Expansion I/O Board"
"T Series Manual - T3 T6 Manipulator - Standard I/O Connector - Hand I/O Connector"
"T-B Series Manual - T3-B T6-B Manipulator - Standard I/O Connector - Hand I/O Connector"
"VT Series Manual - VT6L Manipulator - Standard I/O Connector"

Typical Connection Example

An I/O port consists of several I/O banks. A standard I/O port has three input banks, and two output banks. They each have up to eight I/O terminals, and one common terminal. Plus common and minus common connections can be used separately for each bank.
The illustration shows how to connect a typical I/O port. Both plus common and minus common connections are connected in tandem for illustrative purposes.
The T series splits input bank 3 and output bank 2 into two halves of each, and the bit number of the latter half is connected to the hand I/O.

RC700 series, RC800 series, RC90 series, VT (Protection model) series Typical Application

T series Typical Application

Wiring Example

Connecting to a standard I/O on the controller

Select the controller and I/O relationship to connect from a combination of (a) to (d) in the table below.
Connect the sensors and valves written on the right side of the diagram to the standard I/O input and output port for each.

Output from the controller
Plus common Minus common
Input to the controller Plus common Circuit diagram example (a) Circuit diagram example (b)
Minus common Circuit diagram example (c) Circuit diagram example (d)


  • Epson RC+ assigns input bits 0 to 7, and output bits 0 to 8, to the remote function used to control the robot controller via a PLC or other external device (remote I/O) by default. When using these bit numbers with the hand function, refer to the following manual and change the bit number assigned to the remote function accordingly.

    "Epson RC+ User's Guide - Remote Control, Remote I/O"

  • The following example describes a hand set to “Output: 2, Input: 2”. Note that sensor 2 and valve 2 do not need to be wired if there are fewer I/O points from the hand than used in this example. The input side does not need to be wired when using a hand without a sensor.

  • Circuit diagram example (a) Input: Plus common, Output: Plus common
  • Circuit diagram example (b) Input: Plus common, Output: Minus common
  • Circuit diagram example (c) Input: Minus common, Output: Plus common
  • Circuit diagram example (d) Input: Minus common, Output: Minus common

Connecting to a T series hand I/O

A T series robot can supply 24V DC power from the hand I/O connector. An external power source is not required to control the hand while remaining within the allowable current range described below.

  • T3: 500 [mA] or less
  • T6: 700 [mA] or less


Prepare a separate external power source when connecting a robot hand, such as an electric hand, that will exceed the above current value.

In this case, use the same wiring arrangement as a standard I/O described below.

"Connecting to a standard I/O on the controller"

  • Circuit diagram example (a) Input: Plus common, Output: Plus common
  • Circuit diagram example (b) Input: Plus common, Output: Minus common
  • Circuit diagram example (c) Input: Minus common, Output: Plus common
  • Circuit diagram example (d) Input: Minus common, Output: Minus common

Connecting to an optional extended I/O board

Use the same wiring arrangement as a standard I/O described below.
"Connecting to a standard I/O on the controller"
Note that extended boards have two different polarity types, plus common (PNP) and minus common (NPN). Make sure that the polarity is correct when connecting.