Create the Part Feeding Process Starting Program
Write the program code to prepare the robot for pick & place of the part in the Part Feeding process starting program. The basic examples of the content to write are as follows.
- Change the current robot to the one that will pick & place parts.
- Turn the robot motor on.
- Set the robot’s speed, acceleration, power mode, etc.
Use "Speed," "Accel," "Power," and so on.
Set the LimZ value, taking into account the Z coordinate, the depth of the platform (28mm), how much leeway there is in the Z direction when crossing above the platform, and the height in the Z direction of the unit(s) set up around the feeder.
The Z coordinate is taught in the following section.
Teach Pick Z and Posture - Move the robot to a position where the vision system can capture images.
(When using a camera fixed downward, move it to a position where the camera would not interfere with imaging by the vision system.)
Use "Home," etc. - Add statements to initialize the customer’s system devices.
Example: Hopper settings, user lighting settings, etc. - To obtain a log, add the PF_InitLog statement.
- Specifying the Part ID of the part you want to use, execute the PF_Start statement.
Running PF_Start is executed in task 32 and immediately returns control to the caller.
The following is a sample program. Add the following function to program file main.prg. (steps 5 and 6 described above have been omitted from the function)
Function test
Robot 1
Motor On
Speed 100
Accel 100, 100
Power High
LimZ -80.0