Create the Part Feeding Process Starting Program

Write the program code to prepare the robot for pick & place of the part in the Part Feeding process starting program. The basic examples of the content to write are as follows.

  1. Change the current robot to the one that will pick & place parts.
  2. Turn the robot motor on.
  3. Set the robot’s speed, acceleration, power mode, etc.
    Use "Speed," "Accel," "Power," and so on.
    Set the LimZ value, taking into account the Z coordinate, the depth of the platform (28mm), how much leeway there is in the Z direction when crossing above the platform, and the height in the Z direction of the unit(s) set up around the feeder.
    The Z coordinate is taught in the following section.
    Teach Pick Z and Posture
  4. Move the robot to a position where the vision system can capture images.
    (When using a camera fixed downward, move it to a position where the camera would not interfere with imaging by the vision system.)
    Use "Home," etc.
  5. Add statements to initialize the customer’s system devices.
    Example: Hopper settings, user lighting settings, etc.
  6. To obtain a log, add the PF_InitLog statement.
  7. Specifying the Part ID of the part you want to use, execute the PF_Start statement.
    Running PF_Start is executed in task 32 and immediately returns control to the caller.

The following is a sample program. Add the following function to program file main.prg. (steps 5 and 6 described above have been omitted from the function)

Function test  
  Robot 1  
  Motor On  
  Speed 100  
  Accel 100, 100  
  Power High  
  LimZ -80.0  