Expansion I/O Boards

Expansion I/O Boards

Expansion I/O boards can enable an additional 24 inputs and 16 outputs per board.
Up to three I/O boards can be installed.
I/O numbers are assigned as shown in the following table. (Bit numbers are assigned from CN1.)

Input Bit Number Output Bit Number Corresponding Hardware
0 to 23 0 to 15 Standard I/O
64 to 87 64 to 79 Expansion I/O, 1st board
96 to 119 96 to 111 Expansion I/O, 2nd board
128 to 151 128 to 143 Expansion I/O, 3rd board

Board Settings (Expansion I/O Board)

Board appearance

Switch and jumper settings
Set DSW1 and DSW2. CN3 is all open.

1st Board 2nd Board 3rd Board

Checking with Epson RC+ (Expansion I/O Board)

When an expansion I/O board is installed in an option unit, the Controller software automatically recognizes the expansion I/O board. Therefore, no software configuration is required.
You can confirm on the Epson RC+ screen that the board was correctly recognized.

  1. In the Epson RC+ menu, select [Setup] - [System Configuration] to display the [System Configuration] dialog box.

  2. Select [Controller] - [Inputs / Outputs].

  3. Make sure that the installation is set to "Yes."
    The expansion I/O board is recognized by the Controller software. The corresponding inputs and outputs can be used.

Input Circuit (Expansion I/O Board)

  • Input voltage range: +12 to 24 V ±10%
  • ON voltage: +10.8 V (Min.)
  • OFF voltage: +5 V (Max.)
  • Input current: 10 mA Typ. at +24 V input

The input circuit uses a bidirectional photocoupler, which allows the following two types of wiring.

Input circuit diagram and wiring example 1: Source type

Input circuit diagram and wiring example 2: Sink type

Output Circuit (Expansion I/O Board)

  • Rated output voltage: +12 V to 24 V ±10%
  • Maximum output current: Typ. 100 mA per output
  • Output driver: Photocoupler


  • There are two types of output circuits: sink type and source type. These types are set at factory shipping. Before wiring, check that the I/O output type matches that of the external connected device.

    If wiring is performed to the wrong output type, components on the board will be damaged and the robot system will not function properly.

  • To comply with the EU Machinery Directive, use the wiring in Wiring Example 2: Source Type. If wiring is performed incorrectly, the Manipulator may not function properly and safety issues may occur.

  • The output circuit has no built-in short-circuit or reverse-connection protection circuits. Be careful that wiring mistakes do not occur. If the wiring is performed incorrectly, components on the board may be damaged and the robot system may not function properly.

Output Circuit Diagram and Wiring Example 1: Sink Type (NPN)

Output Circuit Diagram and Wiring Example 2: Source Type (PNP)

Signal Arrangement (Expansion I/O Board)

This is the signal arrangement table for the first expansion I/O board.
Connector 1 signal arrangement

Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name
1 Input common No. 64 to 71 26 Input No. 79
2 Input No. 64 27 Output No. 70
3 Input No. 65 28 Output No. 71
4 Input No. 66 29 Output No. 72
5 Input No. 67 30 Output No. 73
6 Input No. 68 31 Output No. 74
7 Input No. 69 32 Not used
8 Input No. 70 33 Output common No. 72 to 79
9 Input No. 71 34 Input common No. 80 to 87
10 Output No. 64 35 Input No. 80
11 Output No. 65 36 Input No. 81
12 Output No. 66 37 Input No. 82
13 Output No. 67 38 Input No. 83
14 Output No. 68 39 Input No. 84
15 Output No. 69 40 Input No. 85
16 Not used 41 Input No. 86
17 Output common No. 64 to 71 42 Input No. 87
18 Input common No. 72 to 79 43 Output No. 75
19 Input No. 72 44 Output No. 76
20 Input No. 73 45 Output No. 77
Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name
21 Input No. 74 46 Output No. 78
22 Input No. 75 47 Output No. 79
23 Input No. 76 48 Not used
24 Input No. 77 49 Not used
25 Input No. 78 50 Not used
Connector Name Standard

I/O connector

(Controller side)

D-sub 50-pin male

Mating screw lock part #4 - 40

* I/O connectors, I/O connector cables, terminal blocks, and I/O connector kits are available as options.

This is the signal arrangement table for the second expansion I/O board.

Connector 1 signal arrangement

Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name
1 Input common No. 96 to 103 26 Input No. 111
2 Input No. 96 27 Output No. 102
3 Input No. 97 28 Output No. 103
4 Input No. 98 29 Output No. 104
5 Input No. 99 30 Output No. 105
6 Input No. 100 31 Output No. 106
7 Input No. 101 32 Not used
8 Input No. 102 33 Output common No. 104 to 111
9 Input No. 103 34 Input common No. 112 to 119
10 Output No. 96 35 Input No. 112
11 Output No. 97 36 Input No. 113
12 Output No. 98 37 Input No. 114
13 Output No. 99 38 Input No. 115
14 Output No. 100 39 Input No. 116
15 Output No. 101 40 Input No. 117
16 Not used 41 Input No. 118
17 Output common No. 96 to 103 42 Input No. 119
18 Input common No. 104 to 111 43 Output No. 107
19 Input No. 104 44 Output No. 108
20 Input No. 105 45 Output No. 109
Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name
21 Input No. 106 46 Output No. 110
22 Input No. 107 47 Output No. 111
23 Input No. 108 48 Not used
24 Input No. 109 49 Not used
25 Input No. 110 50 Not used
Connector Name Standard

I/O connector

(Controller side)

D-sub 50-pin male

Mating screw lock part #4 - 40

* I/O connectors, I/O connector cables, terminal blocks, and I/O connector kits are available as options.

This is the signal arrangement table for the third expansion I/O board.

Connector 1 signal arrangement

Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name
1 Input common No. 128 to 135 26 Input No. 143
2 Input No. 128 27 Output No. 134
3 Input No. 129 28 Output No. 135
4 Input No. 130 29 Output No. 136
5 Input No. 131 30 Output No. 137
6 Input No. 132 31 Output No. 138
7 Input No. 133 32 Not used
8 Input No. 134 33 Output common No. 136 to 143
9 Input No. 135 34 Input common No. 144 to 151
10 Output No. 128 35 Input No. 144
11 Output No. 129 36 Input No. 145
12 Output No. 130 37 Input No. 146
13 Output No. 131 38 Input No. 147
14 Output No. 132 39 Input No. 148
15 Output No. 133 40 Input No. 149
16 Not used 41 Input No. 150
17 Output common No. 128 to 135 42 Input No. 151
18 Input common No. 136 to 143 43 Output No. 139
19 Input No. 136 44 Output No. 140
20 Input No. 137 45 Output No. 141
Pin Number Signal Name Pin Number Signal Name
21 Input No. 138 46 Output No. 142
22 Input No. 139 47 Output No. 143
23 Input No. 140 48 Not used
24 Input No. 141 49 Not used
25 Input No. 142 50 Not used
Connector Name Standard

I/O connector

(Controller side)

D-sub 50-pin male

Mating screw lock part #4 - 40

* I/O connectors, I/O connector cables, terminal blocks, and I/O connector kits are available as options.