RS-232C Board

RS-232C Board

To communicate with external devices using two or more RS-232C ports, an RS-232C board must be installed in an option slot.
Each expansion RS-232C board can add two ports. Up to two expansion RS-232C boards can be installed for adding up to four ports.

Port numbers
Port numbers are assigned as shown in the following table.

Port Number Supported Hardware
#2, #3 RS-232C, 1st board
#4 , #5 RS-232C, 2nd board

Board Settings (RS-232C)

Board appearance

Switch and jumper settings
Set DSW1, DSW2, and JMP1.
CN3 is all open.

1st Board 2nd Board

Checking from Epson RC+ (RS-232C)

When an RS-232C board is installed in the Controller's option unit, the Controller software automatically recognizes the RS-232C board. Therefore, no software configuration is required.
You can confirm on the Epson RC+ screen that the board was correctly recognized.

  1. In the Epson RC+ menu, select [Setup] - [System Configuration] to display the [System Configuration] dialog box.

  2. Select [RS232] - [CU].

Communication Settings (RS-232C)

The available communication settings are shown in the following table.

Item Specifications
Communication speed 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
Data bit length 7, 8
Stop bit length 1, 2
Parity odd, even, none
Terminator CR, LF, CRLF

For details on how to use the RS-232C communication function from the robot application, refer to the following manual or online help.
"Epson RC+ User's Guide - RS-232C Communications"

Communication Cable (RS-232C)

Communication cables must be provided by the customer.

Connector Name Standard

RS-232C connector

(Controller side)

D-Sub 9-pin male

Mating screw lock part #4 - 40


Use twisted pair shielded wires for cables.

The shield should be clamped to the hood for noise reduction.

The pin assignment of the RS-232C connector is shown in the following table.

Pin Number Signal Function Signal Direction
1 DCD Carrier send Inputs
2 RXD Received data Inputs
3 TXD Transmitted data Outputs
4 DTR Data terminal ready Outputs
5 GND Signal ground
6 DSR Data set ready Inputs
7 RTS Request to send Outputs
8 CTS Permission to send Inputs
9 RI Ring indicator Inputs