Elbow Statement

Sets the elbow orientation of a point.

(1) Elbow point [, value]

(2) Elbow


Specify Pnumber, P(expr), or point label.
Specify an integer or an expression.

  • 1 = Above (/A)
  • 2 = Below (/B)

Return Values
When both parameters are omitted, the elbow orientation is displayed for the current robot position.

If value is omitted, the elbow orientation for the specified point is displayed.

See Also
Elbow Function, Hand, J4Flag, J6Flag, Wrist

Elbow Statement Example

Elbow P0, Below
Elbow pick, Above
Elbow P(myPoint), myElbow

P1 = 0.000,  490.000,  515.000,   90.000,  -40.000,  180.000

Elbow P1, Above
Go P1

Elbow P1, Below
Go P1